Chapter 2

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Kai's pov.

I stepped into it blue circle and was instantly transported to an empty stone room. There's a door on the far wall. The same voice calls out Congratulations. You have completed the trials. You are In The thief class of assassin. Step through the door and begin your adventure.

I go through the door and arrive in a small village. Medieval by the looks of the cpus dress and the lack of technology. There are all species of humanoids from elves to lizard people. Of course there are also a majority of humans. The town was bustling with activity with people buying,selling, and adventuring the town. I Immediately go to the tavern/ inn as that seems to be the most popular place in the small town. Inside was a bar, some tables and a board that had tons of paper on it. The sign above it said Quest Board in black painted letters. There was a fireplace along a wall with a stuffed head of a beholder. A giant eye with tentacles which were used for paralyzing and defeating foes. 

I check out the sign and see plenty of quests. Most were starters quests along with some traveling, hunting, and personal quests which were administered through cpu authorization. I was just about to pick a quest before i heard an earth rattling screech that shook the inn. I rush outside and see people shooting at a giant eagle. The name above its health bar said thunderbird. I start shooting at the eagle with my sniper rifle until its health is nearly done then i shoot it with my bow. The arrow flies right past someone who was rushing in at it with a photon sword and it hits the beast right under its wing. The bird collapses then shatters like it was made of glass. Cheers fill the air as i yelled out to the person i almost shot It's about time you came out to play! chad looks at me then smiles.

Those trials were a bit longer than i expected. I see you made it out pretty easy.

Well i actually just got out. I'm an assassin class with this bow, a sniper and a pair of daggers.

Nice! I got this photon sword, an assault rifle and a great sword. Im a battle mage.

Sweet. Lets see if we can start a quest while everybody celebrates. Then we can probably start off strong.

He nods and we go to the inn and find some quests. Since we are not in a group, we decide to take different quests. He takes a simple bandit quest and heads to the town gate. I take a personal quest. A notification appears in front of me telling me to go to the mayor's office. When i get there i am greeted by a short plump man. Please help me. I need you to make sure my package is safe. The delivery wagon should be somewhere on the west road. i accept the man's plea and head to the western road.

I travel down the path for about a quarter of a mile when I see a cart without a fourth wheel. The man looking puzzled as he scratches his head. Do you need help? i'm actually just fixing the wheel. If you'd like to; could you deliver this to the mayor? He ordered this last week and he may be worried. sure. I was actually supposed to come by and get it  He hands me a small, brown paper wrapped parcel which goes into my inventory.

I turn and go back. After a few yards three bandits jump out. The leader is the first to speak. you there! Give us your stuff and I'll let you go.

I groan. Bandits are always the weakest character enemies. No wonder Chad took that job. They always have low tier armour and weapons. They start to advance and I grab my sniper off my back. They look in awe as they only have swords and axes. While they're occupied with my gun, I cock it and shoot the leader in the chest leaving a rather large hole in him. He calls and shatters like all the other enemies and the other two run in terror. I chuckle as I admire how smart they are. Then I continue back on my quest.

Once I get back to the mayor I give him his package. He jumps for joy and gives me the payment for completing the quest. Then I go back to the inn and wait for Chad to get back. He gets back well after dark. Sorry. There was a whole horde of bandits and big ass rats. Dam i hate rats.

I laugh and then yawn. I tell him about my quest. Then we rent a room and logout.


The next time we login, we decide to travel to the neighboring city. It looks like the town is 20 miles from here. I may be able to steal a couple of horses and we can get there faster. That is if there is a distraction. Ok. Sounds good. He goes and does some impressive sword techniques as I go invisible and grab the horses once everyone's attention is turned towards Chad. I lead the horses about a quarter of a mile away from the town and wait for him to get done. Once he gets to me we mount up and gallop to the city across the way.

We go about 19 miles and we walk the rest of the way and send the horses back the way we came so they go to their owner. Once we get to the city we are greeted by a guard who has been stationed outside. Halt. in the name of the city i cannot allow you to pass through. There's been a witch reported to be seen.

What if we go after the witch? Then can we pass? i ask wanting some better action. Although the graphic scenery was amazing, the combat was what made the game special.

If you kill the witch, then i'll open the gate. we nod then leave into the woods.

The woods are vast, heavily forested area filled with all sorts of enemies as well as people who are adventuring to gain levels. We go into the woods and search for the witch as a quest notification pops up saying to destroy the witch.

We walk into the deep part of the woods and we come across other players judging from their armour and weapons. But something seemed off. Their eyes were glossed over. Hey guys! Have you seen a witch around here? They stop and draw their weapons. A girl in heavy armor has a katana, a boy in leather has a bow, and a guy in mages draws daggers from his sleeves. Something was defiantly wrong now. As Chad drew his sword and I drew my bow. Turn back. There is no witch they all said simultaneously. Ok that's not creepy at all. Chad said trying to lighten the mood. We just want to explore a little up ahead. Turn back. Now.

They get into a fighting stance as the bowman draws an arrow. I counter and shoot him in the chest. He falls and the other two charge us. Chad takes the girl and I shoot the guy in the neck as he runs straight towards me. Chad finishes the fight quickly with a spin and then stabs the girl in the abdomen. She falls and he gets up and checks himself. All good here! Let's go. I nod and we continue on our journey.

We come across a small hut in the woods. It seems well furnished and clean on the outside. Chad obviously assumes it's a trap so we rush in through the front. There is a fireplace, a couch and rocking chair, and a landscape of what appears to be a village. I hear a whistle from the next room and notice that some of the floorboard are shaking. Get down! I yell and the second we drop the room explodes.  The furniture goes flying and crashing into the opposite wall and the glass from the windows shatter. When we get up the room went from pretty and well kept to something that's been abandoned for 20 years. After the dust has settled, we hear a cackling laughter coming from an old hag with white hair and long, black fingernails.

She laughs as we get up and I immediately go for my daggers. But chad stops me and he takes out his photon sword and charges the witch. She dodges chad's attacks and slices him across the stomach. I get my bow out and aim at the witch but Chad's still in the way as he gets up and starts viciously attacking her with the sword. She casts magic of all kinds but he deflects with ease. Once she is cornered I take my chance and shoot her in the leg so she can't escape. Chad then stabs her in the chest and she falls and shatters. A notification pops up saying that the quest is complete and gives us experience to level a bit more.

We head back to the city where the guard happiness let's us in.  We step inside the city and are amazed at how modern it is. Skyscrapers and cars are abundant as are all kinds of people going to work by the looks of their attire. We are just about to head to a hotel when I notice chad glowing. He looks at me in shock and says that I'm glowing. We are then teleported to what appears to be the starting area with what looks like every other player in the game.

Cliff hanger. Please comment suggestions and help. Thanks!!

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