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How could this happen?! You were going to take the trash out of the penthouse and then a large group of men attacked you. The

How could this happen?! You were going to take the trash out of the penthouse and then a large group of men attacked you. They overpowered you easily since you didn't have a gun. You only managed to hurt a couple of them until you were drugged with a cloth against your mouth. You had blacked out and the next time you awoke, you were tied to a chair with a camera right in front of you.

Your head ached a lot and you felt sick in your stomach. The room was kinda dark, but you noticed that it was a basement. It was cold and the air was wet, making it even colder. ''We got your girl'' A man laughed and the red light on the camera turned on, letting you know that you were filmed. You tried to look around, but you saw no one.

''Let her go'' You heard your boyfriends angry voice. It made your heart flutter. Did he see you? You tried to speak, but you had tape on your mouth and it came out as a mumble. ''Nah, it wouldn't be fun then'' The same voice snickered again. It came from behind you. Suddenly someone touched your cheek, making you nervous. You tilted your head to the side and saw a man you hated with your entire soul, two face. He smiled at you, but you gave him the deadliest look ever. ''I can't wait to beat the shit out of you and make sure your stupid boyfriend sees everything'' He chuckled like it was funny.

It scared you because you were held back by chains or something. J didn't know where you were and neither did you.Things could get really bad here.But I knew he'd save me. Right?

I stared into the camera and hoped that he could find me. I would be right here waiting for him. Reality started to kick in and I was scared. Two face, or as we called him, fuck face scared me now that I was under his mercy.

Suddenly you felt a hit on your cheek, causing you to look to your other side due the impact. You gritted your teeth together so you wouldn't make a sound to please that fucked up little rat ass. ''I swear to god if you don't let her go I will torture you until you want to die'' Joker growled as soon as he saw what was going on. You could hear how angry he was and it made me sad. ''Good luck you clown'' Fuck face laughed and pressed a button. You saw a light on a screen and soon it showed a Skype video of your boyfriend. Your eyes watered as you saw him looking angry yet worried as hell.

''Don't worry I will come right there for you'' He promised you. Then fuck face grabbed your throat and strangled you for a while, until you had to breathe. It was funny for him, to see Joker losing his temper as he tortured you. Fuck face muted J and then started his 'fun' with you.

A couple days passed and J had still not found you.Slowly you felt like your insanity was just getting worse. You didn't lose hope tho. He couldn't just leave you here. Your body felt weaker than ever as you sat there, hanging your head tiredly. You were recorded every second, but not when you were taken away to use to loo or something. Fuck face had hit you, stung you, burnt you and cut you repeatedly and started to ask J questions. If he didn't answer, you'd get hurt. Little did he know that J's henchmen had located you and they were coming to get you.

''I sure see why the clown picked you'' Fuck face thought out loud after staring at you for a long time. You just narrowed your eyes at him and felt hate boiling in your blood. ''You look like a whore'' He chuckled at his own statement. A second later a loud explosion caused both of you to flinch. Fuck face didn't even get a chance to turn around until he was attacked. Mr. J and some henchmen had blown up a wall and they had stormed in with guns. Smoke filled the basement and you could barely breathe because of the tape.

As the henchmen took two face down, without killing him because it was an order, Joker came to you. Your eyes stung from the smoke, but also from seeing him. You saw the worry in his eyes. He removed the tape from your mouth so you could breathe better. ''I knew you'd come'' You whimpered sadly and let him get you free from the chains. It was obvious that he wanted to go and kill the guy, but freeing you was more important. Soon your body was free from the chair and you leaned against his chest weakly. Tears started to wash down your dirty face as you smelled your Joker again, a scent of gun powder, make-up and his sweet cologne.

You knew he wasn't much of a hugger, but he wrapped his strong arms around you very gently so he wouldn't harm you more. ''I'm sorry..I should have found you sooner'' He whispered with a fragile voice. You had never seen him crying, but you could swear his eyes were getting glossy. But still he refused to cry, not in front of his enemy. He didn't want to seem weak. You raised your hand even tho it was hard and then you touched his cheek.

''You came for me, that's what matters'' You let him know. Joker smiled a little and then sighed deeply. He was glad to have you in his arms again. ''Get mr fuckface to the torture room'' Joker demanded with his deep voice. His henchmen knew what to do, get the enemy in the car and then to the torture room in the same building where your penthouse was. Anyone on your bad list would never walk out alive from that room.

''Let's go home doll'' he whispered to you and then picked you up like you were light as a feather. You just tried to relax in his arms. You were safe now, your prince got you.

You shut your eyes tiredly and tried to relax. You had nothing to worry about. You did the only thing you could, wait for him. In the end he came to get his princess back..and the enemy so you could kill him together.

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