you farted

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Yoosung Kim

After a meal at (favourite restaurant), you and Yoosung decided to spend your night together watching movies to unwind.

You felt a rumbling in your stomach, shrugging it off as you thought of it as just a part of the digestion.

That was your biggest mistake. As you snuggled down...


You farted loudly. It surprised both you and Yoosung, and you flushed bright red, hiding underneath the blankets as Yoosung laughed a few times.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about (name)." He laughed, "You can't help it~"


Zen was finishing his day practicing at the theatre and you were ecstatic to see him, so ecstatic that you ignored the constant rumbling in your stomach as you waited outside for him.

You pushed it aside just thinking it was cramps from running over to his studio. But as he came over to hug you, your stomach growled loudly, followed an even louder...


There was an awkward silence before you burst into tears, falling onto your knees and covering your red hot face. It was so embarrassing!

Zen kneeled down to your level, "Don't worry babe. I think I'm the only one who heard it, don't cry!"

"Still...!" You protested, "It wasn't very ladylike..."

Jaehee Kang

You and Jaehee had decided to go on a walk together, and stopped for a meal on the way. Unfortunately, it didn't sit with your stomach well and you were constantly losing your breath.

A sudden tightness came in your stomach, and thinking it was just another cramp, you relaxed your body. What a terrible mistake...


Jaehee noticed, raising her eyebrows at you while you wanted to shrink up. You looked down at the ground in shame, holding hands over your stomach.

"Excuse you (name)." Jaehee giggled, "Ready to go?"

She was unexpectedly calm about the whole ordeal. In fact, she took it as a compliment that you were so comfortable around her.

Jumin Han

After a exquisite meal at (favourite restaurant), you and Jumin were snuggling down in the bed, in a comfortable silence.

Your stomach began to feel a bit odd, and you shrugged it off, thinking it was just the excitement of spending quality time with Jumin, finally.

That was, until...


"(name)?" Jumin said in surprise, "How unladylike."

You pushed your face into his chest, slightly flustered about the whole ordeal.

"It just slipped out!" You stammered.

He chucked lightly, making everything a little less tense. Maybe it wasn't so bad?

Luciel Choi

A movie night with Luciel is what you deserved, and it's what you got. After eating some (food) that was famous for making people have upset stomachs, you fell victim.

Your stomach gargles rather loudly and you sighed, deciding to let nature take its course, hoping it would be silent...


"(name)?!" He exclaimed, "I didn't know that you had such manly farts!"

You flushed red, grabbing a pillow and smothering his face.

"Shut up!"

That was, until Luciel let out a rather loud fart of his own. Then you started to laugh hysterically, and he joined in. Typical.

"If you're gonna start a fart war, that's what's your gonna get~" He announced, winking.


V had agreed to get a (type of takeaway), much to your liking. After feasting down on your favourite food from the takeaway, you lied down on the sofa, relaxing.

There was discomfort in your stomach, and there was no need to cause any more pressure was there? After all, V was preoccupied with watching television.

It was safe...


Silent but deadly. Silently praying, you hoped he wouldn't noticed. But when he sniffed, all hope was gone.

"Did you...?" He asked, chuckling when he saw your expression, "I see, don't look so embarrassed (name)."

I wrote this at 2am

ib : abbievanitycakes

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