When my broken heart is a powerful weapon that can only be used against me

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am shattering to pieces on the inside

and have nowhere to run

for the pieces of myself that got ripped from their places and broke apart

are lying there

beneath my skin and into the walls of my breathless lungs

cutting me from the upside down of my body-soul


i never knew how to properly run

in gym class they told me i did it wrong cause was pulling my ass out

i'd answer "no, my ass is just really big and it looks like that"

now, i still don't know how to run

because i'm aware that if i move

just a centimetre

i'm not going to be able to come back

to myself

ever again

because if i run, the glasses inside me will pin to my legs 

and i will never get rid of them

anyway, there's no way

they're always going to be inside me

i just thought


if i stood still

and waited

for you to came back


you'd hug me

and i don't know

but maybe

just maybe

just like that

you'd put everything back in it's place.

It never ocured to me

that your mindless hug

would make every tiny

little bit of glass

hurt a little more

and dig

a little deeper

into the disfigured way

of my spine.

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