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when did the fight against oppression stopped being a fight against the oppresive system and started being a war between oppressions?

when did we started to act like being oppressed makes us cooler?

do you wish you were black so you could diss white people on your poems?

do you think that somehow you can make yourself less white so the reality of your own race disgracing other people will be less real?

do you wish you were mentally ill so you could bable about being a survivor and how life is really hard?

or that you were raised in the hood so you'd know your way round and be super rad?

what is it with us people that we think we can get anywhere 

and just take

what has never been ours

but has always been there?

don't you understand it's not your fight?


even if you shove black lives matter up your ass

you ain't gonna be any less white i

do not understand what it's like

to be treated like you don't exist only in honor to the color of your skin

and i'm not gonna tell you that i do

same way no men is entitled to tell me how they understand more about "real feminism" than me and that they know what i go through

please, stop approriating spaces that were not meant for you

and using other cultures like costumes

and identities like jokes to make over booze

i love my cisheterosexual friends

but don't they understand Pride is a safe place for us

and they are the reason we even have to march?

don't they understand it's not just a party

to celebrate who we are

but also a funeral

for those who didn't make it this far

and a scream for help

and a laugh in the face of heteronormativity

their normativity?

I'm sorry for those of my cishet friends who are supportive of the LGBT+ movement

but hey

Pride is no show for you to laugh at trans people

but of course you will laugh

you do not understand that the glitter that covers them is fairy dust from the angels that take care of their souls

because they are brave enough

to be

in a society

that constantly asks them

not to

i love that my brothers are supportive of the feminist cause

but c'mon guys

you can drink 3 beers without worrying that you're gonna end up naked and dried out without remembering what was done to you last night

so don't you dare tell me you know what it's like

privilege it's looking down at someone from a cliff while they drown underneath

it's being able to breath while they drown

privilege is a dagger to the throats of those who have less

and most of us hold that dagger to somebody else


so be careful with what you think

but mostly

with what you say

words are the sharp point of the privilege blade

because privilege

is also being able to talk about it

without tears streaming down your face

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