Prologue: The Stalker

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Xal knew he was coming for him. He had betrayed the Empire, botching the spy mission, and now the Stalker, the Emperor's personal assassin and right hand, was coming.

He ran through the halls of the Citadel, heading for the taxi station. All he needed was to get out of the city. Even then, the Stalker would persue him, but he had a better chance of living longer in the wild than in the city. Suddenly, he froze up. He couldn't move. Xal heard him coming: the breathing was getting closer. He used his own force powers to try to break free, but the Stalker was too strong. Xal tried to call out for help, but his throat was constricting. He was suddenly yanked back, then launched out onto the landing pad, his legs cracked and snapped. He choked on a scream as his throat tightened. He heard the metallic clanking of the Stalker's boots, and his shallow, robotic breathing. He used every bit of strength to try to crawl away.

"M-my l-lord, please...spare m-" he was cut off with a boot on his neck, pushing his head into the cold, steel platform. He peered up to see the Stalker above him, his emotionless, pitiless mask staring back at him.
"You've betrayed your people, Xal. You, are a dead man." He said mechanically, then stomped on his head.

Lord Zalos, the Sith Stalker, returned to the Emperor and kneeled before him.
"The traitor is dead, then?" Emperor Valen asked. He already knew the answer, it was just good to hear.
"Yes, my master." Came his reply. Valen smiled and extended his hand.
"Rise, my old friend." Zalos nodded and rose to his feet. Valen decended from his throne and clasped his hands on his Stalker's metal shoulders. "Well done, my boy. You have made the Empire secure and proud once more." Zalos looked at him.
"You have my next mission in mind."
Valen nodded and smiled darkly.
"Your vengeance is not complete, I sense." Zalos nodded. Valiance was still around. The traitors were the reason he was a half man half machine freak. "You will, along with apprentice Kayla, track down and destroy the Jedi squadron known as Valiance, which from what I remember, they left you." Zalos clenched his fists, the claws scratching against his gauntlet. "Where are they?" Valen grinned and handed him a small chip.
"Inside is the coordinates for the first Jedi, you will find the rest from there." Zalos bowed his head.
"Thank you, my master, I will leave immediately."

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