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As Zalos boarded his starship, he was greeted by Kayla. "Master." She said, bowing. He nodded and gestured with his hand.
"Get ready for takeoff, we have an assignment."
"Jedi?" She asked excitedly. He hopped into his chair and began tapping in coordinates.
"Affirmative, our first target is on...Dantooine." she did her best to not giggle with excitement, and strapped in.

The flight was long and quiet. The hum of the ship's hyperdrive engine and Zalos' breathing system were the only noises. He had only one thing in mind: vengeance. Zalos hated the Jedi for betraying him and leaving him for dead. Especially Carmina. She let him burn. Her face was etched in his mind. He had romantic intentions before Mustafar, but after her betrayal, his heart broke and all he wanted was for her to suffer.

They approached the giant, green and blue world. It would be difficult to track down the Jedi's whereabouts, considering it was a farm planet, but not impossible. Zalos had much more difficult targets in his time as a traitor hunter.

As they touched down, they were met immediately by the native military: farmers with giant blasters. One of them, presumably the sheriff, approached with a vibroblade in his hand.
"Kayla, I need you to greet them. They will attack me upon sight." Zalos commanded. Kayla nodded and went down, using her looks to distract them. She smiled at them flirtatiously and invited them aboard for an inspection. The doomed soldiers followed her aboard, only to be slaughtered by Zalos. He looked at his apprentice as he broke the last one's neck. "Good work Kayla." He chuckled. She smiled and courtseyed.
"I live to serve, my lord."

They traveled into town, Kayla in a soldier's uniform, while Zalos wore a cloak to cover his armored skin.
"The Jedi is close." Zalos murmured to Kayla, looking around. "There." He stated, gesturing at a man in normal street attire, bearing a humble cylinder lightsaber. The Force swirled around him. "Watch and learn." Zalos instructed.

Carn felt a familiar presense. It was.. old, twisted.. dark. Zane? He turned around, but saw no one. Then he heard a low, shallow, mechanical breathing. He spun and saw him: a figure in a tattered, old robe. Clearly, however, armor was underneath. The metallic claws and the mask stood out the most. It was him. The Stalker the spy had warned about. Carn's heartbeat rose at this realization, and tried to run. He pushed his way through the crowd, but the Stalker was always equal distance away, if not closer. He had mastered the art of crowd movement. After he escaped the crowd, he attempted to take a speeder bike, when it suddenly detonated, sending him flying. He slammed into the rough dirt, coughing. He looked back and saw the Stalker with his fist clenched. He had caused the explosion. He crawled backwards, patting at his belt for his lightsaber. When he finally found it, Carn did a back roll then landed on his feet and ignited the weapon, then readied himself. The Stalker stood in front of him with his hands by his sides. "Where is she?" He demanded.
"Who?" The Jedi replied, confused.
"Jedi Carmina." He stated.
"Master Carmina now." Grinned the young Jedi. "and you'll never find her, Zane. I will end you." Zalos took a step towards the Jedi. He reeked of false confidence.
"Zane is dead, I am Lord Zalos." As he said his final word, Carn dropped his weapon, clutching at his throat. "And you, Jedi filth, are a dead man." He force slammed him into a building, used the Force to pull the Jedi's saber to him, then clipped it to his belt. He turned to the stunned warrior and force lifted him, then slammed him into the ground repeatedly, then dashed over, ignited his blade, and drove it into his chest, pinning Carn to the ground. Carn grabbed at the hilt in a panic, then his arms went loose as the light faded from his eyes. Kayla watched all this from the distance, in awe of how deadly, swift, and destructive Zalos really was in one on one combat. He hardly even needed his lightsaber, or force lightning.

He closed the eyes of the fallen Jedi, then turned and walked over to his apprentice. "That's how you kill a Jedi knight." Then, he returned to the ship, Kayla close behind.

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