A Moment of Relaxation

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The two boarded the ship and plotted a course for Corellia. "The ride will be long, Kayla." Zalos said to his apprentice. "I think..rest is in order." She nodded and slumped back in her seat.
"I agree, mentor." She said exhausted. The duo hardly had enough time to sleep since their crusade of vengeance had begun.

Zalos sat crosslegged in his chambers, rebalancing himself in the Force. He needed the rest, and the time to think. The nightmare on Mustafar haunted him day and night, the horrors he went through to put him where he was.. its a wonder he hadn't gone completely insane. Maybe he was? Maybe this whole ordeal was simply because he was a madman. Kayla seemed to be more comfortable around him. But she was probably just getting used to his unholy appearance. He smiled grimly under his mask. She was an impressive Sith, both in the battlefield and as a person. Her dedication and strength was admirable.

She was a beauty to look at. Then again, so was Carmina, look what happened there.. he was done with that emotion, but at times it felt like that emotion wasn't done with him. "What am I thinking?" He thought to himself in disgust. "One, shes my apprentice, and two...well who would want a monster like me..?" He sighed and clenched and relaxed his fists. "Maybe she feels the same way..? Oh, what are you thinking Zalos? You're a Stalker, and a monster...you couldn't attract a drunk Rodian... but Kayla..seems different."

He shook his head and grunted, then stood and went out to Kayla's room, who was fast asleep in her bed. She shook and awoke at her mentor's presense and smiled. "We there yet?" She asked. He shook his head. "No, couple more hours, just..wanted to check on you." She raised an eyebrow and smiled again. "I sense there is something else." Zalos sighed and nodded. "I'm not sure how to put this.. well let me ask you something. Have you ever felt..attracted to someone you knew you couldn't be with?" Her expression softened and she nodded, saying in a low tone. "Yes..master." Zalos asked. "Who? When?" She gently reached over and clicked a button on the side of his mask, retracting the faceplates over everywhere but his mouth, revealing a pale, scarred face with dull orange eyes. He was still somewhat attractive, simply lighter toned with burn marks, along with scar tissue that caused blotches of wrinkled, flesh looking skin. "You, Zane." Zane.. he missed that name. He hated his new name, his new identity. He wanted to be Zane again. She gently took off the mouthpiece and caressed his scarred face, running a thumb over the burns and scars. He relaxed for the first time in a long time. Zalos weakly smiled. He could sustain himself in the Force long enough to live a few minutes outside his breathing system before he needed it again. The two simply looked into each others eyes, Kayla's bright blue and Zalos' dull orange, marked with green. He was, for once relaxed and, well, in love. Then, Kayla leaned forward, and they locked lips as they kissed. Zalos shuddered in surprise, then loosened up, and the two fell back on the bed.

Hours later, the two came out and went to the cockpit, Corellia ahead.

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