Madame Red

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Scene: Jade and Ciel are sitting in the library playing a game of chess, the game had only begun as they talked about what kind of costume Ciel would wear. Jade had made the suggestion of dressing in a different color so that way guests could not immediately recognize him and offered the color purple as her choice. Ciel had snickered at this because he knew that Jade's favorite color was purple, as she had told him so the previous day. He had told her he would contemplate on the thought and Jade persisted in him wearing a color most would not expect to see him in. Finally Ciel gave in to her begging and persistent push of the subject and said he would wear a dark purple suit to the ball. This had made Jade very happy indeed as they continued playing chess. The tea was being brewed in the kitchen while Sebastian and Lucius talked about previous missions their masters had participated in and about their scheduling when a certain name caught Lucius's attention.

Lucius's POV

"Did you say Madame Red?"

Sebastian stopped cleaning the dishes as i paused in the middle of scooping out tea leaves for my mistress's tea.

"Yes Madame Red will be coming by to visit my young lord, but she specifically told me to keep it a secret since she wanted to surprise him."

I nodded my head as I poured more tea leaves into the pot, seeing as we would have more than just two people drinking tea. After i was done scooping the leaves, i took it over to the middle island counter where a teapot sat waiting to be filled with tea.

"I have heard that name before being mentioned by my mistress, what can you tell me of her Sebastian?"

Sebastian went over to the stove as the kettle began to whistle signifying the water was boiling. He kept his gaze on the tea pot as he poured the water in and watched the water turn from its clear form to the deep brown red of the tea leaves.

"Madame Red is my young lord's aunt, she is a doctor of high regard and is a widow. She has no children of her own so she consider's my young lord as her son. Also as her name is Red, she has the most vibrant color of red hair and is often seen in red clothing."

I nodded as i took in the small amount of information Sebastian would give to me, there was definitely more to this Madame Red than he was telling me, but it was not my orders to do the investigation of Madame Red so i kept silent as i took the pot from him and poured the tea through the filter into the teapot. In the distance i could hear the sound of a coach's wheels driving over the gravel road that proceeded in front of the Phantomhive Manor. Sebastian must have heard it too, because he left my side as i set three cups onto the tray and made my way to the library where my mistress was playing yet another game of chess with her new beau. I left the kitchen area and passed Mey-Rin in the hallway as she cleaned. I smiled at her kindly and watched as she blushed a bright red and nearly knocked over a vase as she turned away from me. I laughed to myself and opened the door to the library only to be met with the amusing scene of a woman in red hugging the Lord Phantomhive.

Ciel's POV

Another match she has beaten me in as she sit's across me smiling with that smug smile she makes when i have been bested at what i thought was my best game.

"It seems that i have beaten you yet again my dear Ciel, shall we have another match?"

I felt myself smiling again, i have smiled more often these past few months than i have in the past two years. I nodded and moved my pieces back to their original starting places, i guess my mind was elsewhere as i regarded to a surprise guest mentioned by Sebastian earlier. Who could possibly be coming to see me? I hope it's not that moronic Trancy, of all the people i wish to see he is not one of them. I wanted to enjoy my day with Lady Shadowhive before the ball this evening since she would be greeted and kept occupied by other guests wishing her happy birthdays and a life of health. I heard footsteps from the hallway and Jade must have heard them as well because she turned her head to the door. It must be Sebastian with the tea, although i was far from the truth as i saw a woman with red hair in a red dress enter the room and approach me with open arms.

The Lady Shadowhive and her demon butler Lucius DracovichWhere stories live. Discover now