The Viscount's Ball

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Jade's POV
The Viscount's home was quite large, then again now that i thought about it all nobility homes were large, but this one reminded me of the palace Versailles in France. The columns were illuminated by the lights from inside the home and lavishly decorated carriages went around the turn about allowing young noble men and noble ladies to step out and then proceed inside. Each of them were dressed beautifully and the young ladies that had come with their sweetheart held their arm as they proceeded up the steps. I recognized a few of the noble ladies as our carriage slowly came to a stop at the steps of the estate. Ciel looked at me nervously and i gently patted his hand while smiling and saying calmly.

"Remember your name is Sierra and you are a young lady seeking for a private audience with him.. and my name is Roslyn."


He sighed as he replaced the blank face with the false smile he had practiced during the lessons and looked at me while continuing.

"Let us enjoy our evening to the fullest tonight, Miss Roslyn."

I smiled at him as the door opened to our carriage and Sebastian, who was dressed as Ciel's tutor, stood there with a gentle smile holding his hand to Ciel and guiding him down the steps onto the ground before doing the same for me. I had instructed Sebastian to make sure Ciel maintained his character during the ball since it would be best for us to not be close to each other the entire time unless we were both next to the Viscount. Ciel agreed with me on this and ordered Sebastian to do so, even though i had told Sebastian myself only a few moments before his order. It didn't matter to me though, all i needed to do was make myself seem helpless and alluring to the Viscount so that he would take me like he did the other young girls. Two men at the doors of the estate opened the doors and we were met with the sudden flood of light that was captured inside whenever the doors were closed. It appeared to me that the ballroom was the first room you entered whenever coming into the home of the Viscount, i found that rather strange but i wasn't one to hold as many gala's or balls as the Viscount held. From what i heard he threw a ball or gala at least twice a month and spent the rest of his time attending them at other manors or enjoying private parties with some of his closer compatriots. The room was filled with ladies and lords dancing across the floor as the music played while off to the side some of the other guests talked amongst themselves and laughed while drinking what i guessed to be either champagne or white wine. Ciel was walking gracefully beside me as he scanned the room, probably trying to find the Viscount as i was but then his eyes stopped at a woman resting in a lounge chair surrounded by men. Ahh its Madame Red, hopefully she will not come over to speak to Ciel otherwise his disguise will be compromised. I moved myself away from Ciel's side and made my way amongst the throng of bodies as i searched for the Viscount, where could that man be it shouldn't be this hard to.... My thoughts were interrupted as i felt something step in front of me causing me to collide with them. I took a quick glance and saw it was the Viscount and immediately made myself drop down as if i had lost my balance as i gasped. The Viscount extended his arms and caught me bringing me close to him as he smiled down at me speaking calmly.

"Careful there my delicate rose, had you fallen any farther your petals may have been trampled under the feet of man. Have no fear though, i will act as the thorns of your stem and hold you in safety until you regain your composure."

I kept my gaze lowered to make my appearance seem that of a fragile young lady, i counted to three before finally lifting my gaze to him and brought forth a blush to my face as i spoke timidly.

"F..forgive me sir... i.. i should have looked where i was going.."

"There is no need to apologize, for had you not bumped into me i would not have this opportunity to hold such a beautiful rose in my hands."

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