The Guard Dog's Interview

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Ciel's POV
I sat boredly in my desk chair while the reporter asked me question after question about my company. I sighed again as Sebastian answered another question for me. I was hardly interested in what this man asked me. I was mainly concerned with what Jade was doing right now... when i left her this morning.. she was draped perfectly in the sheet.. her hair was gently cascading behind her as she had her head nuzzled against me.. and when she fell back onto the pillow her bangs softly fell across her face. She was so beautiful, so pretty... so sexy. I found myself smiling as i remembered her face last night. She was smiling so sweetly at me... and her fingers had traced over my chest slowly creeping down until she held my hand in hers. She brought it to her lips and kissed my fingers so gently. It was as if she was trying to show me just how much she loved me. I couldn't get it out of my mind... and the more i thought about her the more i wanted this idiot to shut up!

"Well what about the future dolls being released in the fall?"

My head lifted as i looked up at him.

"The dolls will be representing our indian partners.. Traditional sari's of silk and headpieces sown into the hair wigs."

The reporter smiled and began writing some more. I sighed and looked to the door just wishing i could see my beautiful wife.. that i could escape this boring ass interview and go back to bed.. to return to my wifes loving, warm gentle arms... to bury my face in her neck and smell her sweet perfume. To feel her soft tender lips upon my own... The thoughts were preventing me from focusing on the reporter. creaakkk Ciel I immediately sat upright and smiled as the door opened. The reporter snapped his head to the door and his jaw dropped as he saw Jade enter the room.

"Ciel my darling you are in here.. i missed you.. you left me all alone this morning."

I smiled and held my arms out as she came over and sat in my lap. I rested my hands on her hips. I looked at her chest smiling and then looked up at her face.

"Im sorry dear, but i had this meeting today. I missed you as well."

"Um.. Lord Phantomhive.. may we continue our meeting.."

I didn't listen to him as I cupped Jade's cheek and then kissed her lips softly. She smiled and then pulled away and looked at the reporter. An immediate blush fell over her cheeks as she stammered embarrassed.

"Oh sorry sir.. This must seem highly inappropriate."

"Not at all... but.. are you by chance the Lady Shadowhive?"

I smiled proudly and ran my fingers through her hair as she looked at him.

"I am.. but now I am the Lady Phantomhive... Surely you heard of my marriage to Ciel?"

He shook his head and began writing down more notes in a flurry as if something had just been revealed about a major discovery. Did this man seriously not know about our marriage? A reporter had drilled Jade about the details for the wedding a few days before the ceremony, it was the buzz of all men in london. The mysterious Fox... the temptress of men was finally getting married. I chuckled as i remembered what i overheard some men as they read the article. This man must have offered her something of extreme rarity to get her to settle down. The only thing I had of rarity to her was companionship.. She got along with me better than anyone else and I was one of the few idiotic fools she tolerated.


I blinked and smiled at Jade.

"Yes my dear?"

"The nice man asked whats it like to have the Queens Fox as your wife.. and you haven't said anything yet."

"Im sorry dear i was just sitting here thinking how beautiful you looked. As for the question... I have always thought it rather ironic."

The Lady Shadowhive and her demon butler Lucius DracovichWhere stories live. Discover now