Music In The Night

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Jade's POV
I was dreaming so sweetly, and so peacefully when the sound filled my ears.... So soft... and gentle... i felt my body rise from the bed and begin walking towards the sound. The thought never crossed my mind that this may have not been a dream, and that i was actually sleep walking. Had i known that i would be walking in my sleep, i would have ordered lucius to remain in the room instead of sending him to the room prepared for him. I felt as if i were in a trance as i continued listening to the soft sound of the music as i walked lightly down the halls running my fingers along the wall. My eyes were closed but seeing as i thought i was in a dream i would open them periodically so that i would see when to turn as i followed the sound. I was captivated by the sound, and my steps felt as light as a feather with every step. My hand reached out and pushed open a door making the sound resound around me even louder as i entered the room. I looked around the dark room trying to locate the source but saw nothing... I felt a chill run down my spine as my eyes closed once more when the song picked up the pace and made me begin dancing in a small circle. My nightgown twirled around me as i swayed to and fro across the room to the rhythm of the sound. It was enchanting and calming, my mind was at ease and this was definitely one of my most enjoyable dreams i had ever experienced. As i spun in a circle i collided with something and fell back landing on my but and braced on my hands. I blinked my eyes and looked up to see a figure holding a viola with their eyes closed playing the soft tune. I smiled and stood back up and began dancing once again as the song played on. I felt like my head was in the clouds and as i spun around i had not noticed the song had ended, but the figure pulled me to them and held me close. I didn't know what to think, i was so calmed by the music that had played that i hadn't the slightest idea on what to do. I simply gazed up at the figure in front of me and suddenly he took my hand in his and began dancing with me when the music began to play once more. I felt the same sensation as before wash over me and i was lost to the music that enveloped me as well as the arms that held me tight. I leaned myself forward and pressed my ear against the figures chest.... wait... My eyes opened suddenly as i noticed something wrong, it was warm.... b..but there was no heartbeat.... But i could feel the warmth from their body. This wasn't a dream... I was awake... no i was hypnotized. I pulled away from the figure and looked into their face and my body shuddered in fear as i recognized who was holding me. Claude.... no... no get off me!!! I pushed against him and tried to wiggle my self out of his arms but he just held me tight as he continued dancing with me while the music picked up its tempo. I tried to get free of him but my body refused to listen to me as i gazed deeper into his eyes. I stared at him with a look of awe as he swept me across the floor to the sound of the music around us. My heart was swelling in my chest and i couldn't get my thoughts to form as my mind gave in to the sweet sound filling my ears. My mind was desperately trying to cling on to reality as his face drew closer and closer to my own. No... no... don't....don't touch me..... I screamed these thoughts in my head as the presence of his lips landed upon mine and my back felt the cold temperature of a wall. I tried to voice out stop but his lips stayed against mine not allowing even the smallest whimper to escape as his hand travelled down my arm and over the star. His tongue moved against mine so gently and yet fierce that i felt my breath get caught in my throat. With as much power as i could i mustered a word in my mind for help. Lu... Luc.

"Don't call your butler to help you, i won't allow you to escape me twice."

My eyes opened in shock as i heard him speak, and then his hand moved to my waist and began pulling at the fabric of my dress pulling it slowly up my body as i fought against his lips trying to push him away. No, stop this now!!! LUCIUS!!!! I screamed in my head as his teeth bared down on my neck, probably trying to make me emit a sound of pleasure, but i wouldn't give it to him. The doors flew open and Lucius came in and grabbed Claude by his shoulder's again and threw him across the room. I slumped down to the ground and landed on some sort of fabric beneath me. I looked down and saw it was my nightgown!! I grabbed it quickly and pulled it over myself as i watched Lucius relentlessly stab him with the small knife i had him carry around for me. The butler began to bleed as he chuckled and sat on the floor. Lucius came over to me and scooped me into his arms and whisked me back to the room in which i assumed i never left. I was shaking uncontrollably as i sat in Lucius's arms when we entered the room. I was petrified.. i was so close to falling under that damned spider's clutches..... what was it that made me lose my senses...

"The music is a form of hypnosis, he used it to trick you into thinking you were dreaming..."

I shuddered as Lucius sat me back in the bed and pulled the large blanket over my bed and up to my shoulders. He removed his hand from my shoulder and i felt my eyes widen in fear at the thought of him leaving my side.

"Lucius.. i order you to stay in this bed..."

He stopped in his tracks and then turned around to come and lay down next to me. He pulled me into his arms tightly as i placed my hand on his arm to keep it there should claude try and take me again.... that damn man... i hate him so... i do not want to stay in this house any longer with that perverted man around me... I will tell Alois of this first thing in the morning..

"Mistress, it is late and you need your rest. Please try and calm your mind"

"I..... I can't...... i.... i'm afraid... and angry, enraged, frightened and upset.... his eyes were so cold.... so lifeless..."

"My lady he can not hurt you as long as i am here..."

"Then you will not leave my side until it is time for us to return to the manor.. that's an order."

"Yes my young mistress."

He rested his head in the crook of my neck as he whispered that last reply to me. But the chill i would normally receive did not come... i was too shocked with what had happened to be bothered by the sweet whispers he spoke. I laid my head on the pillow and then suddenly felt myself be lifted up as Lucius moved underneath me and rested my head upon his chest. I could feel the warmth from his skin as i laid there not hearing any sound of a beating heart. I felt my eyes grow heavy and soon i found myself slipping back into that peaceful slumber i had endured long before.

The Lady Shadowhive and her demon butler Lucius DracovichWhere stories live. Discover now