Chapter 74: Celebrations

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I know that this picture is with Paige and Mike  just image that it' s Bill and I instead.

The sun peeked from behind the clouds as sea breeze filled my twin's bedroom. Roger woke up to get ready for his usual morning run. Before leaving the room he gave me a forehead kiss. He went downstairs out the kitchen door to stretch. Later on he was on the beach. BD is right beside him in no time at all. They enjoyed this time together.

Our house is now  alive and noisy. I took a quick bath to change and make up his bed. Minutes after that I went into our kitchen that morning. Our coffee pot is on brewing for the house. I put out the glasses, mugs, and my tumbler. As for my hot chocolate is mixed and poured.

Mom starts to cook breakfast with her mug on the counter next to her. The team sets our kitchen table together. Jakes took out our places settings to put them on the island. Our doorbell rang within minutes that morning. Fiona, Mel, and the guys came through two different doors. The remainder of that group stayed downstairs in the kitchen. My twin gets a water bottle from our fridge then heads upstairs for a shower. Roger came back to give us our kisses.

" Thank you for making my bed Rookie," he stated. " You're welcome Roger," I replied. My back feels good right now. Soon after that George told everyone that he had good news. We charged the pair of your bad guys with drug procession and assaulting a federal officer. Let's celebrate sometime today.

Breakfast is promptly served at 8:00 am. Everyone dished out their food to eat. The team sat between our couch, island, and table. Roger and I sat over by the living room windows. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

The team grabbed our stuff while exchanging our goodbyes to each other. Later on we head outside the front door to lock it. All of us went for the cars and trucks. Fiona we'll meet you at the Bureau. Okay guys I'll wait for you in the parking lot. Everyone went off in their separate directions that morning.

George and I drove to the Bureau. We pulled into the parking lot. As for Fiona and them parked next to us. The pair of us head inside the buliding. Everyone greeted each other. Juan offered us a seat and we took it.

Our meeting started for that morning. Ralph joined it on the phone. We shared the good news with them. Both of them are very happy to hear that from you guys. Juan informs my CO that Roger will have a new mission soon. He told me about it early this week.

Tia you may have one too. Of course Juan and I have to talk it through right now. He will assign it to you when we are finished. " Where is my daughter?" he asked. " Mel is outside in the parking lot waiting for the meeting to be done," I replied. We are going out with them in a little while.

Minutes after that the meeting part of our visit is over. Juan talked to us a little longer about other stuff. We mentioned our goodbyes to him. Later on the pair of us walked back to his car. Hollywood Walk of Fame bound at the Chinese Theater. The guys enjoyed this outing with us.

Graceland bound for us that afternoon. Both of them parked their cars in our driveway next to each other. Mel heads to check our mailbox. I opened our front door to go inside the house. George closed it behind us.

All of us put down our stuff on the couch. The guys went straight into our kitchen to get drinks and snacks. Meanwhile with us girls finding something to watch on t v. We are comfortable on our couch. Mel your dad asked for you today. Our shoes are lined off at the edge of the carpet.

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