Extreme teachers(Part 1)

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A 100 ton leon hammer hit Tsuna's head and then he jolted awake."Reborn , can you be a little bit nicer when you are waking me up?"Tsuna whined while rubbing his head.

Reborn paused for a moment "Maybe  ..... no. Not going to. Anyway   you have about 10 minutes before the first bell ring. You really don't want Hibari to get mad, right?"

"Ahhhhhh! Really?! Why don't you wake me up earlier?"

"I had done it . But you said you will wake up 5 minutes later and so on. So I let you sleep all you want."

Tsuna's face turned red because of embarrassment as he stared quietly at Reborn who had a sadistic smirk pasted on his face.

"You don't have time to waste, Dame Tsuna."


Tsuna and Gokudera walked throughout the street to their 'beloved' Namimori middle school.Yamamoto had his morning practice that day. A moment later he came across his bestfriend , Enma.

"Good morning, Enma"Tsuna greeted him.Enma greeted him back.

Gokudera sweatdropped,"Hey ... Enma... She's not here today, right?"

Enma looked at Gokudera, puzzled."Do you mean Shittopi ? I think she is here a moment ago."

Gokudera's face turned black." I'm sorry, juudaime but I think I'll go to the school first." He dashed to Namichuu in a split second.

"Gokudera san is really funny."Enma giggled.

I don't think so.Tsuna sweatdropped as he remember yesterday's event.

Enma turned to face the brunette . "Tsuna , do you know that today we will have several new teachers?"

"Really?"Tsuna asked Enma .

"I heard it from Aldeheid. She said the teachers are from overseas."

Tsuna sighed,"I hope they're not like Nezu sensei. That guy really like to boast about his elite education"


"Good morning, Yamamoto, Gokudera."Tsuna greeted both of his guardians.

"Morning, Tsuna"Yamamoto grinned.

"Good morning , juudaime......." Gokudera said with lifeless tone after running away from Enma's guardian , Shittopi chan who was also their classmate.

Suddenly a boy dashed into the classroom ,"Everyone! The new teacher is coming!"

The students, hearing that, they quickly got back to their own seat.Tsuna was feeling quite nervous as he watched the classroom door . He really wanted to know who was the new teacher.

I hope the teacher is nice. Friendly . Not a spartan one. Have a really comfortable  aura around him or her.

While Tsuna was still in his thought , the door was opened by someone.

"W..what?"Enma looked at the person, eyes widen in shock. Gokudera too, was eyeing the person, in suprised.

"Good morning. "The person said.

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