Tsuna and a guy called Ieyasu

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Tsuna rubbed his cheeks which been hit by the head prefect earlier. Just thinking about the primo-like people made his went dumb (at a certain place, a handsome baby was drinking his expresso while muttering, "Aren't you dumb at the first place?" ) .A long sigh was heard from the young boss.

He made his way towards his house. A while ago, he asked (more like commanded) Gokudera and Yamamoto to leave earlier because he still have to stop Hibari from bitting someone to death even though he didn't want to do so (Reborn forced him to stop Hibari because he is the boss, of course. ). He didn't want Gokudera to involve in the 'fight' because he was afraid if the situation become worse than it was. For him, it's better handling one person than two (even though that's one is Hibari).

Well, the problem was over now (even though he received more bruises and wounds than he had before) , so what he was going to do now was going home and rest.

"I'm home" Tsuna shouted while taking off his shoes.

Nana walked out from the kitchen , smiling widely. "Tsu-kun. Hurry up and change your clothes. We have a very handsome guest in the living room. "

"Is it Dino-san? " Tsuna thought.He went to his room to change his clothes. Moment later he walked towards the living room to meet the ''.

"Hi, Tsu-kun."

Tsuna forced a weak smile . This is not true. This is not true.

Before his eyes was actually a very handsome guy . Just seeing this guy made Tsuna felt like passing out and then awaken by Reborn's kick and then faint again.

Okay, just straight to the point. In front of him was a handsome guy. A blonde with shiny orange orbs which were similar to his eyes when he is in his hyper dying will mode. He wore a long sleeves and v-neck black t-shirt. (i'm so sorry i don't know what i'm writing) Tsuna stared at the guy and didn't speak about 5 minutes or more until the blonde cut the silence.

"Hello. Are you there?"

Tsuna startled . "Umm.. yeah?"

The guy smiled. "That's good, Tsu-kun."

"You are.."

"My name is Ieyasu. Ieyasu will do."

Tsuna nodded. Though he hoped that someone or something was willing ti help him right now.

Then, a familiar voice filled the entire house. "Nanaaaaaaaaa!!"

A saviour in need is a saviour indeed.

The door was opened and revealed a guy you would expect from that loud yelling. Sawada Iemitsu.

"My little tuna fish. Are you here to welcome your dad?" Iemitsu anime crying, feeling deeply touched to see his only son was there.

"No, dad.. it is...."

Tsuna glanced at Ieyasu who was chuckling at Iemitsu 's action which was quite silly. Tsuna facepalmed. How can his father couldn't see that someone with a same face like Vongola Primo was there, in the same room , moreover.

He ran towards his little tuna fish and pulled him towards the door. Suddenly , Iemitsu put his arm around Tsuna's shoulder and pulled the brunette closer to him.

"Tsuna, who is that?"

Tsuna snapped. "Ie...Ieyasu san."

"Why does he look like our ancestor, anyway?"

Tsuna only shrugged. Well if he know why that guy look like their ancestor, he would have answered his father already.

"What are you talking about?"

"We are talking about that guy."


"That guy...."

Tsuna shrieked at the sight of Ieyasu while Iemitsu was stunned at how he didn't realize that Ieyasu was behind them.

"Haha. Both of you must been pretty closed , right?"

Tsuna had this I-don't-think-so expression on his face.

Nana came out from the kitchen, with a tray fulled of delicious treats in her hands.

"Dear! When did you come? You should have told me sooner."

"It is a suprise for my cute son and my beautiful wife." Iemitsu said while smiling goofily .

The suprised expression shifted to a happy one. Nana quickly set the tray on the table and dashed into the kitchen to cook for her lovely and romantic husband.

Anyway , Tsuna had this one problem. Which was Ieyasu.

Aaaa... how should I handle this problem, seriously?

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