Our Past

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Chanyeol's POV

"To tell you the truth honey..."-mom

"I won't die and I don't have any illness so... YOU GOT TRICKED!"-mom

"I just didn't want you to be forever alone and I knew you were single and I knew you would ask a gi--"-mom

From the moment she was laughing I knew there was something wrong.

JaeYeon's POV

"I just didn't want you to be forever alone and I knew you were single and I knew you would ask a gi--"- his mom

He walked out the door and I could hear his heavy footsteps.toong toong toong

"Nari?"- his mom

"Would you like to see his baby pictures?"-his mom

"It's o-"-me

"This was a few weeks after he was born don't you think he's cute?"-his mom

"Wah! He got little elephant ears."-me

After a few hours of looking at photos it got really late so I went home. In front of the door I saw him.

"How do you know I live here?"-me

"I stalked you the day before."-him

"Can I come in?"-him

"S-sure hehe."-me

After we came into my house he sat there staring into space.

"Uhmm...sorry my house is not that big so there is no couch."-me

"Huh? What did you say?"-him

"Never mind. What are you thinking about?"-me

"Nothing. Can I tell you something?"-him


"I'm my mom's adopted child. I got lost when I was little."-him

"At least you got someone that loves you. I have no relatives or foster parents. I did before but she died."-me

"Can I stay here tonight?"-him

When I heard him say that I was blushing HARD. I was thinking of the worst that could've happened while I was sleeping. But he didn't seem like that kind if person so forget about it.

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