Chapter 4

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Lauren POV:


"What the... Why on earth are you here?" I asked.

"To see you?" it was more like a question than a statement.

"Okay... Come inside I guess?" I opened the door so he can get in.

"What are you watching laur?" he said and then sat comfortably on my couch... In my spot. This guy is getting on my nerves.

"What the hell are you doing here Cameron?" I asked him.

"To see you... Don't tell me friends can't see each other?" he smirked

I sat beside him and started watching the movie. He picked Love Rosie because he said his cousin's mom recommended it to his mom and blah blah blah. Why can't he just say he liked it?

The movie reminded me of how life was before. That time when mom and dad were still there and Camila was still with me. I never really believe those love at first sight shit cause seriously who falls in love with someone's face?! That is so shallow but when I met Camila, I was intrigued but not in love. I wanted to know her more. I want to be with her 24/7. I want her to smile because of me and I want to wipe her tears. I'm sure it isn't love... is it?

We were in the part were Alex and Rose were chatting with each other. Mann... Lily Collins is so beautiful. Suddenly I felt Cameron's hand in my thigh but his eyes were glued to the screen. I didn't mind it at first cause maybe he didn't mean it but when he started holding my hand, I stood up.

"I...I'm gonna use the bathroom." I said and walked away.

That was awkward. Does he really think of me as more than just a friend? I need to stop him. Cameron is a nice guy and all but I really can't return his feelings. I went back and he looked at me then smiled sweetly. Poor Cameron...

I was about to start talking but the door suddenly opened and it revealed a worried Camila. Why is she here?

"Lauren? Are you all right?" she asked looking at me. It seems like she doesn't know that Cameron is with me too.

"Ahh" I was about to say that I'm fine when suddenly Cameron stood up and went beside me.

" I didn't mean to interrupt. I just thought you're in some sort of trouble after the chaos in the mall." she said looking at me and then Cameron.

How did she knew about the incident earlier?

"Yeah, I'm good." I said. "Camila meet Cameron, Cameron meet Camila." I introduced them to each other.

"Nice to meet you." Camila said shaking Cameron's hand. More like crushing it.

"I'm Lauren's boyfriend by the way." Cam smirked at Camila's reaction. Her eyes widened and pure shock was all over her face.

"Really Lauren?" she asked, still not convinced.

I looked at Cameron and he was pleading for me to say yes. His eyes were like saying to go with the flow so I did.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

"Um... I need to go. See you next time Lauren." Camila said leaving the house.

"Why did you said that?!" I said angrily.

"I know you like Camila."

"What? No.." but Cameron interrupted me.

"I want to help you make her realize that she has feelings for you too." he smiled.

"But I don't like he..."

"Okay fine, help you both realize." he said.

"What if you fall for me huh?" I asked going near him.

"Oh believe me I won't." he whispered seductively.

"What makes you so sure?" I grinned.

"Because I'm gay"

Gay.... Wait what?

"Gay!" I exclaimed

"Keep it down, someone might hear you." he said looking around.

We both burst into laughters. I suddenly became more comfortable with him. We talked for a few hours and he finally left. I really like that Cameron trusts me enough to tell me a huge secret like his sexuality. But something tells me he's lying or maybe I'm way too paranoid.



Sorry if it took so long for me to update. Writer's block and exams. I don't know if I should continue this story or nah. Thank you for reading this btw. I love youu

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