Chapter 7

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Lauren's POV :

It all happened so fast. One thing led to another and now I'm here in the hospital with Camila hoping she'll wake up. This is my fault, this is all my fault.

I heard the door open and I saw Camila smiling at me. What is she doing here anyway at seven in the morning?

"Hey lolo get up, I wanna show you something."

"Not now Camila, I'm busy." I sternly said

"Busy sleeping?" she teased me

"Yes now will you please go out."

"Not until you tell me why you are in a bad mood." she pouted

"You're starting to get on my nerves Karla." I never called her Karla not until now.

"What's wrong?" she asked me

"I don't know why don't you ask your boyfriend? Where is he anyway?" I tried to change the topic

"Don't change the topic Lauren. What's wrong?" she looks so serious right now

"This! This is wrong. Why are you here with me?!" I shouted

"Because we're friends?" she said like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh come on. News flash, I like you more than a friend." I rolled my eyes

"Lauren I-"

"Just get out please." I gently said


"Get out!" I shouted but it was too late to realize that Camila was hurt by my words.

"Camz." I delicately said

"I'm sorry Lauren." she smiled trying to hide her tears.

She went out and closed the door. I stood up and punched the wall. I ran out to find Camila but she's not there anymore. I took my car and started to drive. She couldn't get far, could she? My heart stopped when I saw the ambulance and a woman inside. Please don't tell me it's.... No that's impossible Camila isn't a reckless driver. I tried to convice myself but it was no use. I halt the car and went to see the accident. There I saw Camila inside the ambulance, bleeding. I ran to her but someone stopped me.

"Let me in!" I yelled

"Sorry ma'am but only relatives of the victim are allowed inside."

I couldn't think straight.

"She's... She's my wife."

"Okay ma'am get in. We're going to the hospital." He let me in.

"Lauren..." Camila held my hand

"We're almost there, we're almost there baby. Hold on." I cried

"Lauren... I..." she was trying to say something but I couldn't figure it out.

"Hang on Camz we're almost there." I squeezed her hand to let her know I'm here.

"Good afternoon Ms. Jauregui, Ms. Cabello here has post-traumatic amnesia due to the car crash. She might not remember things before the accident and memories which she finds stressful."

"Will she remember me?" I hopefully asked.

"It depends the more memories she lost, the longer the recovery will be. May I ask, how long have you known Ms. Cabello?" the doctor asked me while writing down some things in his clipboard.

"Highschool." I answered and then looked at Camila.

"If she doesn't remember you, you might be one of the factors that might trigger her amnesia." he casually said.

"What do you mean?"

"Post-traumatic amnesia can be transient, short-lived in other words, but in other cases it might be permanent." he sadly looked at me

"Is there another way to lower the possibilities?" I'm desperate to help Camila. I need to fix this because this is my fault.

"There is a way Ms. Jauregui. Try to put her in a new enviroment. A place where there won't be any triggers." he placed his hands in his pockets.

"What if I'm one of the triggers?" I asked

"You need to be as far as possible from her."

How could I let this happen? I was so thoughtless and a fool to let her out that house. Camila opened her eyes and the doctor called a nurse.

"Camila." please please please remember me. The doctor injected something in her veins. The doctor then went out and asked me to follow him.

"Please give this to Ms. Cabello because I have another patient to see." he gave me a tray of food.

"Thanks Dr..."


"Thanks Dr. Styles." I thanked him

"Call me Harry" he smiled and went away.

I went inside and saw Camila lost in her thoughts.

"Hey Camz brought you some food."

"Thanks." she mumbled and started eating

"Do you need anything else?" I asked

"Um no thanks Ms..."

My heart broke into a million pieces.

"Miss Jauregui"

"Thanks miss Jauregui"

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