Chapter 8

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Lauren POV:

"Thanks miss Jauregui" camila smiled at me

"No problem." I went out of the room and sat down on one of the chairs outside.

"Lauren" someone called me

"Oh hey Normani " I greeted her

"....and Dinah" she showed me her friend

"Um can we talk somewhere private?" Dinah asked


We went to a nearby cafe and ordered some coffee.

"So what do you guys want to talk about?" I asked them

"Remember highschool when Camila kind of stole Normani's number from you" Dinah started

"Yeah" I flinched

"We kind of became close friends because of that" Dinah grinned

"Well when your parents died, did you ever think that there were other casualties?" Normani suddenly asked me

"No" I answered back

"My parents also died in that accident Lauren! You think you're the only one who got hurt? That you're the only one who cried that night? Then you're wrong. I promised my parents I'll avenge them. I'm sorry about Camila but you deserved that!" she shouted

I stood up and tried to slap her but Dinah stopped me. People were starting to look at us.

"Lauren we're still not done. I still need to tell you the truth." Dinah tried to calm me down

"Okay. Explain."

"I... I asked Camila to hurt you.... For Normani. At first, she was very eager to do it. I don't know what happened but she told me she couldn't do it. I forced her but she... I guess she succeed" she shook her head.

"What are you trying to say? What do you mean she succeed?" I asked

"I think she got a boyfriend to hurt you... I mean... I don't know. She never told me that part."

My eyes were getting blurry and I bit my lip to stop me from crying.


"But what?" I was kinda angry but I was trying to sound normal.

"She said she'll tell you everything yesterday." she added

I... That was what she was trying to tell me. I'm such an idiot. I think I'll never forgive myself.

"No more big revelations?" I sneered

"We're both very sorry Lauren." Dinah said

"Sorry won't bring back Camila's memories"

I stood up and went out the cafe. I started walking somewhere... Anywhere. I didn't know what to do. Did I seriously deserve everything that happened?

I need some fresh air. I need to breathe.

Camila is choking me but if that's the case... I'd rather suffocate with her than respire without her.

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