Chapter 9

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*2 years after the accident*

Camila POV:

"Where the hell is it?" I murmured to myself.

"What are you trying to find?" he asked

"I'm trying to find my stilletos." He helped me find it and then we went out the apartment.

I saw some people outside Double Trouble. It looks crowded today. "Ally said she's already inside." I informed Peter. He held my hand and led me inside.

"Camila!"My friends shouted

"Hey guys! I'm not sure if you miss me or if you just miss me buying you drinks." I laughed. They shrugged and said, "Maybe both."

The waitress then asked for our order. "One gin and tonic please." Peter ordered.

"How bout you ma'am?" The waitress looked at me, waiting for me to answer.

"I'll have a diet coke." I dictated

"So Cami how are you?" they started interrogating me.

"You know, as usual." I said. They weren't satisfied with my answer. We talked for about 30 minutes and decided to dance. Peter tapped my shoulder. " I need to meet up with a client. I'll see you later." he kissed my cheeks and went away.

Normani, Ally and Dinah were on the dancefloor. I decided to stay cause my feet is killing me.

"Ma'am she said to give this to the lonely pretty lady." The waitress said, handing me a drink.

"Um thanks?" she nod and went somewhere.

Someone suddenly sat in front of me.

"Why is a woman like you alone in a club like this?" she smiled

Damn, she's gorgeous. I feel so gay right now, too bad I'm straight.

"Why is a woman like YOU alone in a club like this?" I asked her the question back.

"Touche" she giggled

"I'm Camila." we shook hands.

"I'm your wif-." she said.

"What?" I shouted cause I can't hear her.

"I'm Lauren." nice name.

"Lauren suits you." I complimented.

She went closer to me so we can hear each other.

"I like you" she said out of nowhere

"I'm straight" I confessed

"You're not." she smirked.

"I'm pretty sure I'm straight." I retorted

"I can change that." she smiled.

Her smile is so...

"I'm married" I showed her my ring.

"Me too." she said.

"Infidelity is not really my thing." I shyly said.

"I'm married..." she said again.

"I know you already said tha-"

"I'm married to you."

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