Friends With Benefits

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Friends with Benefits

"Have you lost your mind," Sheri commented in a harsh whisper, "You know that isn't going to end well for either of you, right? Eventually, one of you will wind up catching feelings."

As she ranted, I ran my hand through all the hoodies that hung in the racks in the store. The loud and unpleasant clanking of metal sounded more appealing than a judging friend. Okay, at the time, the whole "let's be friends with benefits", seemed like the right thing to do. We were friends, who had this unnerving desire to touch one another inappropriately. To feel each other inside and out – and my oh my... the feeling was indescribable.

Those rough, strong hands that grip onto the swells of my waist leave delicious imprints for me to reminisce on the next day. His unimaginable thrusts and thick pulsating... Just the thought of him buried deep inside me made my breath quiver and legs lock to subdue the incoming arousal.

From Sheri's point of view, we just started.

Little does she know that we've been keeping this a secret for a good four months. At first, it was my idea to keep it on the down low, but the lying became too much work. So, I figured what better way to come clean, than tell my friend in the middle of a clothing store that I've been fucking my best friend... which just so happens to be her big brother.

"This was Keith's idea, wasn't it?"

A small smile graced my face as I bobbed my head up and down in a childish fashion, "You know how he is about relationships. Instead of making me his girlfriend, I'm just his official fuck buddy."

"You sound hostile about it already."

I'm not going to lie, there have been moments when I tried to see if we could take things farther, yet I always hit a wall. Keith's been through one heart break in his lifetime and he says that one is all he needs.

But he liked me way before he got with his ex.

That discovery sent a hefty punch to my stomach once he told me that he had feelings for me. Imagine the look I had when I realized that I could've been his girlfriend right now if he had just come clean. Now I'm just demoted to someone he calls every day with an overbearingly used phrase, "Wanna hang out?"

Which translated to, let's have mind blowing sex at my apartment or yours and awkwardly stare at the ceiling until someone makes an excuse to leave.

Keith forgot the whole aspect of the 'Friends with Benefits' code; have sex and stay friends. Somehow the whole staying friends part disintegrated into thin air, once he shoved his dick inside me.

"Okay," I confessed, "Maybe I have been rethinking this decision for a while. I don't know Sheri. The first couple of months were fine, but it's getting harder to bottle up the feelings that I still have for him. What do I do?"

She sighed and took her hand into mine, "You've known my brother for seven years. You should know exactly what you have to do to go about getting what you want with him."

She does have a point.

I know something that none of these other girls know about Keith, something that I could use to my advantage...

His weaknesses.



"Wanna hang out," he inquired into the phone.

A scoff wanted to fall from my lips. Keith is the only man I know that would be horny at three in the morning.

Wafts of cold air seemed to attack my uncovered flesh, making me snuggle back under the silk covers. I shouldn't've even answered the phone, yet my overly-oblivious mind thought that seeing as though it was Keith calling at a ridiculous time, it might have been an emergency. Instead, I'm woken up by a baritone voice and a disguised question, which translates to, "Wanna fuck?"

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