Reader's Choice

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Hello Beautifuls,

I know it has been a while since I've given you guys an imagine, so I thought of something that can work for the both of us. Under this message are four pieces of works that I have started but have not finished. I've been on break for a while now, so I do have time on my hands to get at least one of these done. That's where you all come in. If you're interested, you can go ahead and read these unfinished imagines and vote on which one you would like to see finished. I'll probably count everyone's vote about two weeks after having posted this, so there will be a lot of time for people to decide.  

Some more good news that I wanted to share was that I am in the process of making a story that features a man that is supposed to have all the physical aspects of Keith Powers. He's not gonna have his name, because it's an actual story and not fanfiction. I'll keep you guys posted about it but it won't be published for a while. Just know that it is coming soon. I've already been working on the story since 2015, but I've decided to change up some things about the characters. Since you all liked Love By the Pound so much and for personal reasons, the leading lady in the story will be a plus sized woman. I won't give too much of the story away, just know that the theme is about the art of Seduction.

With all that being said, I hope you lovelies are having a wonderful summer break and I can't wait to see which imagine you want me to work on.

Happy Reading,


Imagine #1

I stared down at the laced piece of paper for a good amount of time, studying it for any blemishes – and yet, there was nothing to complain about.

Tomorrow I would be married to the love of my life.

The man who's been nothing but good to me for these last three years. Through heart wrenching trials of death and miscarriage, pink papers, hidden substance abuse... he's been my rock and I was his.

Now, the day is nearly here. Twenty hours in counting, until I shakily strut down the aisle to wed my God given angel. My nerves seemed to have spasms every few seconds, producing the ever so joyful tears that stained my burning cheeks. Stupid, I know, but this is day that every woman dreams about. Her wedding.

The day where you get to dress like a princess in a faraway castle, being swept off your feet by the handsome prince. Flowers and glittering lights galore. Breath taking scenery with hints of sweet scents that only the mind can conjure up, swarming the streams of air. The day where you become forever and only his. In sickness and in health, till death do you part.

The commitment of a lifetime.

"Honey are you all right, you've been in there for a while," my mother asked, knocking on the locked wooden door that separated us.

My wrists soaked up the droplets of water off my face in a futile attempt to hide the known fact that I had been crying, before I got up from the cozy cot I made myself on the bed to let her in.

"Oh, sweetheart," she hummed sweetly as she took in my quivering appearance. Her arms easily found their way around my body, giving me a warm hug. "You're not supposed to cry until an hour before the wedding, not almost a whole day before it. Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, Ma. I'm just... Happy. I'm so extremely happy that it's scaring me. What if this doesn't last? What if he falls out of love with me somewhere down the road? What if I..."

Questions flew left and right, slapping my mother across the face until she gave a long and heavy sigh to silence them. "Baby, you're father and I have been married for over thirty years and I still ask myself the same thing every morning. You're not supposed to know what the future holds. All you have to do is remember one thing, and it'll make every doubt that you have disappear."

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