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Holly began to spread the frosting on one of the latest cakes for her bakery, she was preparing for Kuromi, her best friend, to come visit. Hearing a slight knock of the great oak door, Holly rushes to clean her hands, placing the final fondant rose on the cake, before calling out to her adopted twin children, Kano and Mio.

"Auntie Kuromi is here kiddos!" she calls, before placing the cake on the table as she passed, walking towards the door to greet a grinning Kuromi.

"They behaving?" Kuromi questions, pointing towards the living room, as she held the hands of her own adopted twins, Layla and Alya.

"AUNTIE KUROMI!" the joyous twins chorus, rushing towards the twins holding Kuromi's hands. "LAYLA! ALYA!" they chorus once again. Cheering silently.

"They remind me of you," Kuromi smirks, sparing a glance from the four ten year olds, to look pointedly at Holly.

"Your's remind me of you as well. How's Loki?" Holly asks.

"Good, he'll be coming soon," Kuromi replies, before snapping up with an idea, "I know! How about I tell you a story?"

"Yes please! Will Uncle be here?" Mio the youngest twin asks, "I haven't seen him in awhile, like a week..."

"Yes he will, tell you what, since Loki'll be coming soon, we eat lunch and then we can sit in the living room, answering two questions at once.


"Kuromi!" A masculine voice echoes through the room, as a tall red haired man waltzes in, grabbing Kuromi into a one-armed hug. As she returned the gesture, they gave a look at one another, planning something silently.

"My dear, I haven't seen thee for but 4 hours, wherever hath thee run?" Loki's usually professional voice, slipped into an almost shakespearean tone.

"I hath run to far castles whom hold tiny beings but 10 inch tall," Kuromi replies, easily copying her husband's voice, a sweet smile on her face.

"My love, I pined for thee, when thee were gone, might ye hold me to thy bosom, thee a hearth to my stone, my love I pine," Loki replies, a mocking look of pure hurt.

"Never pine for me, my love thee—" Kuromi was cut off mid sentence when Holly began to speak.

"Alright, you can be done now, you insolent actors, no need to rub it in," Holly groans, interrupting the actors in their playful light.

"But Mama," Mio groans, she had grown to be a lover of the drama's her aunt and uncle acted in.

"Mio," Holly raised an eyebrow giving her adoptive daughter a pointed look.

"How about we start the story then? The one we first did together, all three of us?" Kuromi asked, getting a look of ecstatic eagerness from Loki.

"That one? The first one? YES!" A cheer came from the oddly childlike man Kuromi had married, as she nodded.

"Well, let's head to the living room, shall we?" with a quick nod, Holly begins to walk to a room, the couches were pushed to the side, as well as the tables, and the floor was carpeted in a coal black color. The children quickly hurried to one of the couches that were pushed to touch the walls while Loki stood near the back of the room, the girls stood in the middle, facing one another, hands touching and standing on the tips of their toes, the shoes they once wore we replaced with bare feet, the outfits they wore were replaced with tank tops, leggings, and loose crop tops, all a matching black. Loki stood in his looser outfit, a pair of sweatpants, bare feet, and a tank top of his own, also in matching black. They stood, prepared and ready for the beginning of a long dancing story.

"Be prepared," Loki began, his usual quiet voice cast off to the voice he used on stage.

"Listen to the story we weave," Holly's and Kuromi's voice chorused together, oddly in tune with one another.

"A story of finding, and loss," Loki begins.

"Of searching for silent love," Kuromi's soft voice disappears in the chorus of a light soprano perfectly matched with her husband's low baritone voice.

The tenor of Holly's voice began as she sang, "Watching us this story begins, a falling harmony of light," Kuromi's voice joins as Holly begins to end her part.

Suddenly Loki jumps up, flipping forward, towards his wife, and Holly, causing the eagerly watching audience to cheer in glee. As his muscular body twisted with the ease of a snake.

As his adoptive sister and his wife copy with their own moves, one with the ease of a crane the other that of a hunting cat. Each twist and spin, planned to give a show of the character they portrayed.

Holly and Kuromi spin, facing one another then facing out, hands clasped, before they drop, falling into a lunge, the gentle thud alerts the children to Loki's next move, an opening of his hands, palms facing the girls.

"Watch us as we sing to you a story of opening lies," The girls chorus, taking a deep breath.

"Watch us as we tune our song to the story Fallen Down," Loki joins Kuromi and Holly as they sing the continuing part.

Bringing a story alight to the children's eyes, as the four children huddled together. The scene coming to play in front of their eyes. With the reminder of memories as small and important as a butterfly's wings.

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