Chapter four

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"KUROMI?!" A yell calls Holly to her senses. As she quickly spun, she saw a terrifying sight.

"Ku-Kuro-Ku..." The stammering of her voice shocked her, causing her to snap to her senses. Whipping out her phone she typed a number harshly into the tap screen.

"K-Kazu?" she spoke softly, voice cracking. Before noticing the frantic noise from the one she called.

"Holly?! What's wrong? Are you alright? No. What happened?" Kazu yelled, his voice clearly terrified, shocking the stuttering teenager from her trance, of forced shock.

"I'm alright... But, Kur-Kuro-Ku's collapsed, she's just laying there, well Loki's here, just can you help, please? We're at the abandoned park, the one we played with her with... Just hurry," Holly finally hung up, falling to her knees in silent tears of guilt-filled sadness. She truly believed this was her fault.

Minutes later, the quiet rumble of an engine pulling into the empty lot alerted a still worried Loki to look around, as Holly stared, tears still falling, at the 25 year old man as he swung the car door open.

"Kuromi? Oh thank god she's not dead. Well, at least I don't have to call someone illegal to move the body," Holly waited, she hadn't seen him in 3 years, and didn't know what had changed. He had once been extremely quiet, and barely spoke out, nor did he use humor.

"Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well," Kazu smirked, "I'm guessing you're the infamous Loki, WELL, No, you can't have her, LOL."

"Just kidding~" Kazu grinned, "Don't look sad, just needed to check something!"

A blank faced Holly stood, thinking she had made a mistake, watching the person she once knew, he had changed so much compared to how he had been when he was younger. She almost doubted he was actually the person she knew.

"Alright, seriously though, does she have a fever again?" Kazu turned serious, a complete switch from his formally playful personality. Snapping Holly back to reality. This was the Kazu she knew, he wasn't completely gone.

Is he a bipolar, or just an idiot... A very doubtful group of people questioned silently. Watching the man quickly switch between his personality.  

"Yeah," Loki replies. Quickly picking Kuromi up fully, before turning to Kazu.

"What? What do I need to do?" Loki's face was filled with determination, and focused on helping Kuromi.

"Bring her to my car, Holly?" Kazu pointed first to the car, then glanced at Holly, gesturing for her to follow.

"O-oh uh yeah," Holly stammered, rushing towards the car, jumping into the front seat, she quickly buckles, pulling her knees up to her chest, before feeling the silent worry filled tears, trail down her slightly tanned cheeks.

"Everyone in?" Kazu asks, glancing back at Loki who still carried Kuromi in his arms

"Yes," Loki and Holly said, before becoming silent.

"Ly, my dear, it's been three years, however did you piss of my sister bad enough for her to stop talking to you?" Kazu asked, raising an eyebrow, and continuing to drive.

"She brought up big sis."

The simple reply cause Kazu to silence his next question.

"Can someone explain?" Loki asked, acting calm.

"Alya, that is all you'll need to know, never mention it to my little sister."

Kazu's sad, guilt filled voice, caused Loki to widen his eyes in remembrance, before shooting a look at Holly.

"She— Romi, she mentioned an Alya... that was yesterday... she sat next to me, and mumbled something, all I heard was Alya...Well that and the Crash of Plane Wales..." Loki rambled, before glancing up.

"She spoke about Alya. Not directly I mean but..." a single glance at Holly and a soft smile painted itself upon his face before he changed course.

"I know what happened." Kazu grinned, happily, all guilt disappearing from his face. "Loki, hold onto her. She'll be loyal, like the kitten she is."

"Holly help—" Loki shut up. Holly was staring at him, wide eyed.

"Kazu, you think—" "Holly, I know." Kazu interrupted.

"So, you were more familiar than we thought, and she didn't say a thing." Kazu continued speaking cryptically. "D'you think she actually knew?"

"I'm so confused..." Loki mumbled, brushing the hair away from Kuromi's eye, before pulling his coat off slowly, and wrapping it around her.

The simple action caused Kazu to give a small confident grin to Holly, nodding his head, before glancing in the mirror to watch Kuromi's unconscious shift towards Loki.

The two had truly found a secret to share between one another.

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