Chapter six

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"That was how the two girls began to fix their mistakes." Kuromi sang, her voice echoing around the room. The four children were still enraptured, ready for anything that happened in the room.

"They were truly still sisters," Loki sang, a single beat behind, as the three dancing actors began to return to their original places.

"Although their hearts were confused and lost," chimed in, her voice pulling the sentence together, as the three twisted around, Holly holding Kuromi's hand tightly, as they leaned towards Loki.

"So as they walked through the doors, they both realized."

"A single truth."

"They had never left the other alone."

"They had stayed together through thick and thin, both had met and argued, showing the love they still carried, only unable to speak of that love, because of the love they had shared with the woman of orange," Loki's voice carried strong, as Holly and Kuromi had sang the words.

Each word was punctuated by Holly showing a desperate grasp towards Kuromi, while Kuromi returned the gesture, and Loki stood between the hands, holding his own palm up. Kuromi leaned forward, mimicked by Holly, the movements graceful, yet static. Loki lunged, knocking the hands away from him, the two girls showing a shocked reaction. As he flipped forward, his body moving with the fluidity of a snake through the forest, his wife, true to her childhood nickname whipped away from the two her face down, and arms wrapped around her chest, showing the solidarity of a kitten. While Holly looked on, looking lost and worried, her pose mimicking the crane as it took to staring at the moon. Loki twisted, agile and swift, to drag his wife from the pose she stood spinning her to face Holly.

"The girls spun in the face of their truths," Loki began.

"They knew once giving an apology that they could finally see what they had lost the day the woman dressed in orange had passed stolen from them by the orange flames of the crash." Holly and Kuromi hummed in unison.

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