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Yay new story

Lucifer has long since fallen from heaven, but he doesn't let it bother him nor slow him down. Upon his fall he saw the true horror of Hell, and decided no one should go through that. So he broke the barrier between Hell and Earth allowing the Demons to escape. And so altering the natural order of things. Now half a millennium later things are all but perfect. The Demons and Humans coexist peacefully, Heaven closed its gates and left Earth to its fate and all is well.

However when the natural order shifted a few. . . Interesting things happened. Like the marks: upon a persons 17th birthday, be they human or demon, a mark appears somewhere on their body. Either Carrier or Protector.
Carriers (obviously) carried the children and were generally smaller, more maternal. They also hold the Protectors heart, literally and metaphorically. Scary isn't that?
Protesters were the other half: larger, more muscular, built to protect and pamper their Carrier. The bread winners you could say.

The Human and Demon heads of government paired Carriers to Protectors, and Lucifer is going to ask his partner and long time friend to help him find a Carrier he can protect and pamper. He wants love finally. Someone who sees him as more than the Fallen Angel Lucifer, Demon King. He's waited over 500 years watching so many get their happily ever afters. Now it's his turn. Although looks can be deceiving. . . His perfect Carrier doesn't want his pampering? His protection? But. . . He's waited so long. . . A-and wanted this so badly. . .

Christian Hale is the son of the current Human head of government. He's a sassy outgoing, well, twink. He's a little gay twink and proud as hell about it to. Screw what his dad thinks. Screw the servants pity. Screw the world, he can take care of himself!

So what happens when this outgoing sassy Carrier twink finds out his Protector is none other than Lucifer himself? And all he wants to do is treat Chris like a porcelain doll?

Will Christian break the Demon King? Or allow someone past his walls?
Will Lucifer be left, broken, in the dust? Or finally get his happily ever after?

A/N: I'm sorry I'm horrible at descriptions.-. I tried though...
Also sorry my covers boring... I'm not exactly tech-savy so I can't really make a cool one. I hope you like the book though.

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