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A/N: Kinda short, sorry

Lucifer's POV

He fainted! He fucking fainted! After they made their shock known, I made it known that I don't care, then I kissed Christian and he fainted. And now I'm freaking out.

"What happened? Did I do this? Is he sick? Is he okay?" I had Christian cradled into my chest and was frantically questioning the butler about his health, while also not letting him touch my Carrier. Perhaps slightly counterproductive...

"He's fine sir, just a tad overwhelmed. After some rest, he'll be right as rain, I assure you." He did pretty good calming me and soothing my worries, all while trying to keep Max from having an aneurysm. The man's face is so red I'm sure it's not healthy, he's sputtering and stuttering and screaming all at the same time (some how), he looks like he want's to punch me, for claiming his son over him, making him faint or ignoring his tantrum, I don't know (maybe all three), while also looking ready to cry, and give up on life. I don't particularly care about his tantrum, but if he keeps it up I'm going to snap. I have a Carrier to be worried over, and I don't need a hysterical idiot interrupting and giving me a headache at the same time.

"WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR GODS SAKE YOU A GROWN MAN AND A PROTECTOR!!!" I roared at him, I'm done. I didn't necessarily mean to let my demonic side out, but it worked so whatever! Aw, he looks absolutely terrified, ha! That's nothing compared to what I used to be. I used to walk around emanated 5 times that power. Over the centuries I've had to rein it in and tone it down, my power used to kill any human in my presence. "No matter what you say or do, it will change nothing. If you cannot handle this and do your job like an adult, then I will do this the old fashioned way." I stood with my little love in my arms.

"Wh-wha-whats the o-old fash-shioned w-way-y?" And now he's stuttering. How the hell did this spineless waste of space get such a crucial, important role in life? I guess I'm just lucky the Human Government hasn't collapsed yet. That would be a huge pain in my ass, that I don't want to deal with again.

"I kill anyone who challenges me and take him anyway." I raised a brow. He looked ready to shit himself. I rolled my eyes "Albert, Tess pack his things up. I want it done by the time paperwork is done." I headed for Maximus' office. I can do the paperwork myself, its my daily life after all.

I laid him down on the couch and started looking for his file in the pile of Carrier files he pulled out earlier. He's not here? Okay, that's not allowed. Actually his file should have been finished by now, ready to be paired. Oh HELL NO! No one is taking my Carrier from me, I won't allow it!

"Maximus get your ass in here now!" I hollered out the door, but flinched and froze when Christian made a noise. I breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't wake up. That was close...

"U-um what?" He tried to sound annoyed but the stutter, and his shaking, killed it.

"Where is Christians file?"

"Oh, I have no idea." What?

"What?! What the hell do you mean you have no idea?" I hissed, it's very hard to be mad and quiet at the same time.

"I mean I don't know. The last time I looked at his file was when he was in my Carriers womb. I hate that life ruining piece of shit, I want nothing to do with him, and that includes his file or finding him a Protector." He tried to glare at Christian through the couch until I got in his face.

"You slacked, for 17 years, on your own son's file, all because you don't like him?!" This is unbelievable. It's the job of the parent and doctor to fill out a child's file then send it in the day of their birthday. Then they are paired by the next 13'th. That's how things are. The child can choose to either stay at home, or in a temporary dorm, until they're paired. Judging by what I've learned today, Chris was most likely going to a dormitory.

He cowered away from me and chose, wisely, not to answer me. "Get the fuck away from me before I kill you." I ran a hand through my hair, trying to calm down. Okay, think. Wait! "Albert! Someone bring me Albert!" I told a random maid walking by, i can't shout again.

He appeared a few minuets later, "Sir?"

"Where is Christian's file? That idiot doesn't know, and I thought you might."

"I do. It is in my room, and almost complete. It needs only his mark and partners name."

"You filled it out?" I was surprised, this kind of situation is impossibly rare.

"Yessir. I knew it needed doing, and Master Maximus hardly ever looked at his son. The staff and I raised him." Well damn, that's fucked up.

"Well, he won't be living like that anymore, bring me the file." He left with a look of relief and a nod. I stroked my loves face. He got handed a shitty hand, huh?

"Here you are sir, I'll help finish packing his things now." And he was gone. Alrighty then. I filled the last few things in, made a copy to leave on Max' desk, picked Christian up and headed for the car.

I caught the attention of one of the security guards, "I've finished here, have my car brought out." He nodded and started talking into his little microphone. Tess met me at the door with a duffle bag over her shoulder. I rose a brow in question.

"We have most of his clothes, Albert said he will mail or send the rest by truck within the next week, Maximus is pitching a serious fit right now and making packing impossible." I just rolled my eyes, how the hell did that man ever get voted into this position? Really? He's worse than a spoiled bratty child that doesn't get it's way.

"Whatever, that's fine, I just want to get out of here and take my Carrier home." I slid into the car, smiling down at him. I can't wait to live my life with him. Fall in love, have kids, go on dates, have fun, do stupid romantic things for no reason. I can't wait to not be lonely anymore. . .

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