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Max Amphetamine as my baby Christian.

Christian's POV

Thank fuck, today is my 17th birthday. I've been waiting for this day since i was born, and so has the asshat that's my old man. He's hated me my whole life all because he wanted to be my fucking mother. Oops, I guess i should explain? My father is the head of the Human government and a Protector, but he never wanted to be. My mother was the one who wanted to be a government person-thing, and he did it for her. He wanted to be a Carrier, but it never happened. Then my mom died giving birth to me and he was stuck.

He has a meeting today and I pity the poor bastard. According to Albert, the butler and man who actually raised me, it's the Demon King. So he's obviously a Protector and my fathers been trying to get in his pants for years. He avoids coming here like the plague, and I don't blame him, but he's a sexy ass motherfucker. I've seen him a few times over the years and hot damn, I used to want him to be my Protector, because I'm obviously gunna be a Carrier.

But while I'm glad to finally leave this hellhole, I don't want a Protector anymore. I can take care of myself. I'm tired of the stupid pitying looks, or everyone trying to suck up to me because who my father is. I have no reason to believe my assigned Protector will be different, then again they might just use me for my womb then ignore me, due to my personality and attitude. Sadly, it's against the rules to live without each other after 17 until/unless one dies.

I passed Albert and some chick in the parlor with a nod and a raised eyebrow, who's the chick? She was pretty, I guess, and looked kinda familiar. Maybe she works for Mr. Sexy Demon King, she's certainly dressed like it, but instead of a skirt with her suit, she wore pants. It was refreshing honestly, I hate repetitive, stereotypical shit like girls should wear skirts or boys should be into football, fuck that. If I want to like shit like dolls, then I fucking will! Who gives a damn whats between my legs? Oops didn't mean to rant, even to myself. Oh well, it already happened.

I shrugged to myself before remembering, I have not packed a single thing. Motherfucker! I picked up the pace to my room, but stumbled when this sudden, strong, almost itchy feeling started on my left hip, just above the bone. It went from itching to burning and holy hell does this hurt! I couldn't help a shocked scream from the pain, I was not expecting it to feel like this! I was ready for an itch and slight burning sensation, kinda like when you feel the beginning of a sunburn, this feels like being branded. Then it was gone. Ow! What the fuck? Why?

I slowly stood up, I didn't even realize I fell, and headed for my personal bathroom, I need a fucking shower. Before getting in I looked at the mark, and I was right, Carrier. The Carrier mark is a trinity knot inside a heart, and I actually think it's really cool.

 The Carrier mark is a trinity knot inside a heart, and I actually think it's really cool

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

(The Carrier mark)
I knew I'd be a Carrier. With a small smile I brushed my fingers over the mark and hopped in a shower. Just as I was getting out, I heard a knock on my bedroom door, followed by Alberts voice "Master Christian, are you decent?" I quickly got dressed, like faster then I even thought possible, and shouted "yea". I wonder what he wants...

I heard him open the door and what he said shocked the hell out of me,
"Your father and company with to see you, young master." I could hear the pity in his voice.

"WHAT" What the hell?! WHY IS MY STUPID OLD MAN HERE WHAT THE FUCK CANT HE LEAVE ME ALONE TO MY HAPPINESS? But oh no! He has to ruin my joy at my mark, and finally leaving this damn museum! Fuck him!

I stormed out there "What the hell old man? Why the fuck are you here?" I was too pissed to notice the audience we had, or realize that Albert said 'and company' in the first place.

"We heard you scream while meeting, and decided to check on you." The grimace on his face and the 'we' finally clued me in to the sexy Demon King, his secretary person, and Albert. Oops. Oh well, too late to act normal so I may as well continue. Oooohhh lets make his chances of getting laid even worse. Insert evil chuckle.

"Oh, bullshit! I could be dying on the floor and you'd just tell me to shut up and die faster, so why the fuck are you bothering me? I need to pack, I finally get to leave this hellhole." I don't think I've said this much to my father... Ever actually. He's always hated me so he used to ignore me, so I gave up and started ignoring him back. If we do acknowledge each other it's not more that 3 words: fuck off asshole.

"I'm afraid this was my fault, I heard you and insisted, I know the mark can be painful." Holy shit Mr. sexy Demon King has a smooth, rich voice that made me want to melt into a puddle. If I wasn't so damn pissed at my sperm donner, I'd probably have a boner. He was smiling at me and I could see him trying to find my mark.

I just snorted, however. "Mhm, I don't buy it. The jackass was trying to molest you wasn't he? You are clearly a Protector and Mr. Whore wants one cause he likes bottoming." I sneered the last bit at Maximus, his face was red and I think I saw a vein pop in his forehead before he calmed down. He's trying to hold it together for his guest, but he just proved me right. Whore.

"Well then. Are you alright? What was your mark?" I could see the hope in his eyes when he asked about my mark, but genuine concern I his voice too, which threw me for a second. Eh he's just being a decent hum- demon. Decent demon... Being...

"Hm?" I'd been glaring at my father, lost in thought. "Yea, no I'm alright, and I'm obviously a Carrier." I mean duh, I practcially scream 'twink' and do you really think a twink would be a Protector? No. "Do I look all tall, huge, muscly and strong like a Protector?" I rolled my eyes, but his triumphant smile caught me off guard as he turned to my father.

"Well then it looks like our meeting is over, I've chosen my Carrier."

I could feel my eyes blow open wide as they could, and my jaw dropped. "SERIOUSLY?!" Why was Max yelling? I had reason, this sinfully sexy Demon KING just chose some smartass twink as his Carrier.

Holy shit, the Fallen Angel sexgod Demon King just chose me as his Carrier... This should be interesting. Maybe my life will be more than lonley. Maybe someone will finally care, he seemed to earlier... No. Best to not get my hopes up. He's just gunna pity me, then use me. That's seems to be all I deserve, after all. People like me don't get happily ever after, we don't get love, we do find someone who manages to magically fix us. That's just not how life works, it's not a fairy tail bedtime story where everything's just perfect when you say 'The End'.
No, real life sucks and you just have to deal, like I have since I was 3 and gave up on ever being loved. Ever being looked at with more than pity. Ever being treated like a person.

I was brought out of my depressing thoughts as strong arms pulled me into a muscly chest. "I've chosen and I'm taking him, I don't give a shit what you say Maximus." Then he tilted my head up and kissed me, and I felt dizzy, I couldn't breathe or think, then suddenly I fainted. Damn, guess I really can't do anything right. . .

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