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Chris' POV

I woke up with a ponding headache. Great. I hate headaches, it's painful as hell stumbling my way out of bed to try to find pain meds and a drink, then stumble back while my head ponds like a jackhammer. Speaking of bed, these are not my sheets. I do not have silk sheets. There's also not enough light behind my eyelids. I keep my room mildly lit. I opened my eyes to see a dark canopy above me. I don't have a canopy. Closing my eyes, I sit up slowly, suppressing a groan, and open them again to look around. From what i can make out in the dark room, I'm sitting on a huge four poster bed with a canopy, I can see a desk, what looks like a couch and a dresser next to one of i think 3 doors. That ones probably the closet. On the nightstand is some aspirin, a cup of water and a note.

Just in case.


I gladly took the meds, and chugged the water. I'm assuming L is for Lucifer, which means I am most likely in a guest bedroom in his castle. Well, may as well see if one of the doors leads to a bathroom. I need shower therapy. If you don't know what that is, it's a ridiculously long, ridiculously hot shower.

Ha! First try! Lucky me. I brushed my teeth, used the restroom, then jumped into the shower.

Lucifer claimed me as his Carrier. I don't know how to feel about that. I swore to myself I would never trust any Protecter again, not after my father. Protecters just use Carriers to give them children. I've never met one who actually treated their Carrier how stories say they should. It's always proper and professional and gross. I used to actively look for any signs of true affection, like whispering cute nothing's, even a smile at a parter, but never found any. Just cold, professional people. I can't even call them couples.

That's gonna be me soon enough. I know Lucifer won't let me go, and I know he won't care about me.

I sighed, turned off the shower and stepped out. Huh, gray towels. I expected black in all honesty, but I'm happy. I like gray.

"How ar- Christian?!" There was a shout and a bang from the room. I walked out, forgetting I was in just a towel, to see Lucifer on his hands and knees looking under the bed? What the hell?

"What the hell are you doing, looking for the boogeyman?" I couldn't help the sarcasm. It's been my defense most of my life. He jolted at my voice, looked back then was suddenly in front of me, squeezing the life out of me.

"Don't do that again! I thought you left or were taken or hurt, it terrified me." He pulled back to look me up and down for injuries, I guess, and finally noticed my attire, or lack thereof. He cleared his throat and stepped back, a weird look in his eye, before facing away from me. "A-ah. I see. There are cloths in the dresser and closet, feel free to wear anything you wish."

I shrugged and headed over to the dresser, doubted boxers were in the closet. "What about my cloths? All my things?" There were only a few things I truly wanted from my room, I wasn't going to leave them behind.

"Your cloths are in bags on the couch, most of them anyway. We had" he paused " issues with your father. I will be sending a team to clear your room out and bring your things here tomorrow. You may then choose what you want, and what you don't. If you don't want it, it will be donated. Also someone will be coming to make the closet larger, to make room for you to unpack."

I was only half listening, I was busy staring at the walk in closet full of suits. All different styles and colors, but damn! I didn't know this many types of suits even existed!

"Why are there so many suits??? I don't wear those." I was confused. "Why do you need to make room? Just get rid of the suits then my clothes fit just fine." I said with a shrug.

He raised an amused brow at me "yes but I wear suits. You'll find clothes more to your taste in the dresser, by the way" I was wearing only boxers now.

"Why does it matter what you wear? I don't give a shit." I pulled on some jeans and a long sleeve shirt, well I tried to. The shirt went to my thighs, the pants just fell. "What the hell?" I grumbled, kicking them.

I heard Lucifer chuckle. "Perhaps I should have recommended sweats." He walked over and dug through a drawer until he found a pair that looked like they'd actually stay up, barley. "And it matters what I wear because that is our closet now, not just yours." I tied the drawstring, and rolled the waistband once before looking up in shock.

"What?" I almost couldn't choke it out. He smiled gently down at me, before half carrying me to the bed, and sitting me down on the edge. He kneeled down and began to role the legs up, so I could actually walk.

"I know this is sudden, and because of that I will not be adverse to you keeping your bed, for a while at least. This is my bedroom, and now yours. I have no intention of being apart from you any more than necessary my little Carrier." He smiled up at me, honestly and happiness? Shining in his eyes. "I wish to get to know you, pamper you, fall for you, and, hopefully, have you fall for me in return." He stood and kissed my forehead as I sat in utter shock. "Come, I'm sure you're hungry" he took my hand and led me from the room in a daze.

Did he really mean that?

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