Chapter siete

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Kashes' POV

Earlier Craig was really getting on my last damn nerve. He kept asking me where I worked at and I kept telling him I wasn't going to tell him but he kept asking. Then I finally got irritated and told him to fuck off, and now he's mad at me and won't talk to me. Great.

"Craig please talk to me"

"No I hate you" he said like a 4 year old

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you"

"Yeah you did cause your a big meanie"

"Craig really, stop acting like your five"

"He acts like a child the whole time he's mad at some one" Devin said coming out of nowhere and then leaving the room again.

ugh I hate that I love him


Trevor's POV

I was laying on Devin's bed. While he went to go get me some food, cause I was a hungry ass nigga right now. Usually he would say hell nah and tell me to get my lazy ass up do it myself, but he been in a good mood since I got his ass three pairs of Jordan's and two pairs of Nike's. I was about to go sleep when my nigga Chris called telling me that me and Kashes had to go to 'work'  , then Devin walked in with popcorn and a Pepsi.

"Babe I got to go I'll be back in a few hours" I said kissing his forehead

"b-but where are you going"

"Devin we talked about this"

"Well I'm tired of talking I wanna know where the fuck your always going" he said with his voice rising

"Does it even matter Devin"

"Hell yea it matters, I'm basically your boyfriend so I should knew where your going and if your safe" he said with his hands on his hip

"Devin I'm two years older than you so I don't need you taking care of me,  I can handle myself.  And as long as I'm giving you all the shit you want then you don't need to know where the fuck I'm at." I said walking out the door.

I walk downstairs to see Craig crying and Kashes looking pissed waiting by the front door. They must have just had the same conversation as me and Devin.


Devin's POV

I am so done with Trevor's attitude and I'm tired of him lying to me so I grab a crying Craig and we walk out the front door. We were about to go follow them,  we started waking down the street since we can't drive because we are lazy and the guys are usually our rides.

After ten minutes of following them,  they get out the car. I hear heavy breathing near me, I turn around to see Craig on the ground panting. What the fuck this nigga can't walk a few blocks with out being out of breath with his fat ass. When Craig calms down we notice five other guys walking up to Trevor and Kashes. We hide behind a brush to save us from being caught. 

The group of guys started talking and I see Trevor pull three small bags out of his pocket. Then one of the men pulls out a stack of money and hands it to Kashes. I was kind of confused at first and so was Craig but then remember that that's what we use to do when my uncle needed money.

Oh my God Trevor and Kashes are ……

"Well look what we have here" an unfamiliar voice says behind us

Oh shit


Cliffffffffffff Hangerrrrrrrrrrr

I finally updated YAY

vote and comment pleeeaaaaassssseeeee


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