Chapter once

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Craig's POV

I let the tears flow as I walk all they way back to LA. I can't take the bus because I didn't bring any money and I left my phone a Kashes house. I can't believe he would do that to me, did I do something wrong. It's freezing out here and I'm soaking wet. The raindrops begin to mix with the salty water coming from my eyes. They burn from how long I've been crying. I walk pass all of the abandoned and burned down trap houses. I don't feel safe at all. The sign that says 'Welcome To Los Angeles' is five miles away. it'll probably be passed midnight by the time I get home, and knowing my mom she'll probably send out a search team for me at any moment. I feel something strange, like someone's watching me. I turn around, but nothing was there. I begin to feel the presents of someone nearby. I heard several footsteps behind me. I turn around again to see a man with all black one coming towards me. I did the first thing that came to mind... I ran. I didn't know where I was going because I don't know my way around this place. The person started running after me. They were faster, taller, and bigger than me. Then... I tripped. I lost my balance and went face first onto the ground. The strange person approached me and looked down to where I was at. This person might rape or kill me, I was terrified when they started to pull their Hood off of their head.

It was Kashes

"K-kashes what are y-you doin-g" I stuttered out with tears still fresh in my eyes.

"Do you really think I was going to let you walk alone"

"Well you did throw me out" I stated getting upset

"Yeah but I still care for you... now come back to the house, it's dangerous and I don't have my gun"

He helped me up and we started walking back to the house. I was still soaking wet and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a cold tomorrow. My legs were really weak I could barely walk without limping. Kashes must have noticed because he picked my up bridal style and continued walking. I laid my head on his shoulder. And somewhere in there I went into a deep sleep.


Trevor's POV

I just got out of the hospital and I still haven't seen or talked to Devin. He's been totally blowing me off since the shooting.

Taylor said he might have saw Devin at the movies with Ray yesterday but he wasn't sure cause there was a lot of people.

If Ray is playing with Devin just to get on my nerves it's working. That nigga has got something else coming for him.

I need to talk to Devin. He's too sweet and fragile to be associating with someone like Ray. I don't need to one I love falling into the wrong hands....


I updated again.... So much yay


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