Chapter 1

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One day before school would start, i had just moved here from Norway. I wish i could have stayed there but my dad got a job offer and we moved, there where other reasons but i'd rather not get into that. I got bored really quick so i dicided to go out side as my parents where bringing stuff into the apartment and they didn't want me in the way. I walked to the elevator and pressed a button and waited. After a few minutes it came up and there where three people there. One wearing a green hoodie and brown hair, holding a cola can. The other was wearing a purple hoodie and a green over coat his hair was a bright orange, and he was holding a mirror. The last one was wearing a blue hoodie his "eyes" where pitch black, as if nothing was there he had his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. "Oh hi!" The one wearing green said. I dicided not to say anything "im edd! Who are you?" I looked at edd then the others and dicided to tell them my name "um... Im tord...." "Nice name!" He pointed to the one with ginger hair "this is matt!" He seemed to be to bussy looking in the mirror he was holding and fixing his hair. Then he pointed to the one wearing a blue hoodie, he was drinking something know. "And thats tom!" "oh ok." i looked at them for a second, then they got out of the elevator "nice meeting you tord!" He said "hey edd who was that?" The ginger said as they walked away "well if you put that mirror down you would know." he teased. I got into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the first floor.


I woke up to the sound of two pans banging together. "WAKE UP TORD! YOU HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!" My mom always wakes me up by banging stuff together. I quickly got dressed then put my bright red sweater on, i walked out of my room and into the kitchen. "Hi mom." "breakfast is on the table." she said. I walked over to the table, and sat down wear the plate with three pancakes where. "Hey did dad already leave?" I asked "yes he did." "ok." i replied. I started to eat the pancakes. After in was done i grabbed my backpack said bye and left. I walked out the door then closed it behind me. I walked over to the elevator and as i did the boy i saw yesterday walked up, it was tom the one with black eyes and a blue hoodie. He stayed quite so i dicided to say hi. "Um hello im tord." "ya i know." He replied as he pulled out a weird looking water bottle. I felt a little uncomfortable so i pressed the button for the elevator. "So your new." Tom said "oh um ya i just moved here." "From where" he looked at me "oh norway." He looked at me then pressed the button again. The elevator finally came and we got in. "So what room are you in?"i asked "oh um room 34." That was on the 4th floor. "Do they have an elevator?" "No they have stairs that come down to the 3rd floor then you take the elevator all the way down." He said as he pressed the button to go to the first floor. When we finally got to the first floor the doors opened. Edd, and Matt where standing there probably waiting for tom. I quickly walked out of the elevator and so did tom. I walked out of the building but before i could go any further edd stopped me "hey tord ya wanna walk with us?" I looked at him for a minute "or are you going to a different school?" "Um no....." "Then come on!" He said as i walked over to them. Tom didn't seem to happy.

((((((((((((((( im tired sooooo imma do more tomorrow k gn

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