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"Eye contact is a dangerous dangerous thing. But lovely. Oh, so lovely,"

Chapter 01

-Not Edited-


I was late.

The first day of my student-teaching internship and I was already late for it. You could tell how the rest of my apprenticeship was going to be.

Why was I late you ask?

Because five minutes of extra sleep in the morning actually mattered to me.

I would've woken up on time if it weren't for my severe case of jet lag. You see I'm officially an Aussie. But I've shifted to the states with my father for almost five years when I had to start Uni. I literally just came back from Australia yesterday afternoon with my father and I think the tiredness hasn't gone away, yet.

But unfortunately I overslept by smashing the snooze button over and over again and here I was with no time to spare, ruffling and rummaging everything in my room like crazy to find the other pair of my sock.

It was 7:35 AM right now and I had to be at the college till 8:00 for my first class. And note that it was almost a twenty minute drive from my house, meaning I had only five minutes left to get ready.

Apparently I was done with my morning routine and was fully dressed in a casual black fitted Henley T-shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans. Exclude the part where I couldn't find my other sock please.

Right now I held my Adidas High-tops in one hand while the other was furiously moving around my drawer for the darn sock.

I finally let out a sigh of relief when I spotted it lying at the end corner of the drawer. Quickly picking it up, I took a few steps back to sit on my bed but when I actually sat, I missed the bed and fell on the floor.

Typical me.

 I groaned but still wore the remainder of the footwear, still in the same position I fell.

I hurriedly got up and grabbed my single-strap bag off my desk, -mentally giving myself an applause for readying it at night, and made my way out of my room, but not before checking myself once in the mirror. My hair were still wet from the shower I took earlier and were a bit disheveled but they could pass. Other than that I looked pretty presentable so with one last glance I bolted out the room and searched for any signs of my dad to let him know I was leaving. Seemingly he was nowhere to be found so I assumed he already left and made my way out the front door of my house.

Ultimately getting seated in my car I took a few breaths to calm my nerves down. Adjusting the rear-view mirror I turned the ignition and the engine roared to life. I smiled nervously a little to myself before putting the car on reverse and driving towards  what i'd like to call my 'catastrophe'.


Eventually I reached my destination safely, thank you for asking. -note sarcasm.

I parked my Cadillac in the lot and got out to make my way to the human sciences department. I checked the time and it was 7:57 right now. Supposedly I drove like a villain who just robbed a bank and reached in almost fifteen minutes.

I locked my car and dashed for the class. I kept muttering silent apologies as I basically pushed everyone out of my way when I reached the main hall.

I suddenly remembered that the class I had to go to was on the third floor, meaning I had to take the stairs all the way up. I huffed and sprinted towards the stairs. It wasn't until I was on the first step that the bell rang indicating the start of the first period.

Unrequested AmourOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora