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"Beauty is a power; a smile is its sword."

Chapter 04

-Not edited-

Arsen walks over to the couch placed in my living room, and thank the lord above that he hadn't dropped me because I was clutching his shirt so tight I thought I would rip it apart.

Once we were near the couch, I expected him to gently place me down. What I didn't expect was him to plonk me down.

I blinked, registering what just happened and then turned to give him a hard glare. He chuckles.

"What? You were heavy." He playfully said, even though I knew I wasn't very heavy and it was proved the way he picked me up as if I weighed nothing.

I open my mouth to give him a reply but he cuts me off, "Alright, where is the first aid kit? Do you have it around here?"

"Yes, its in the bathroom, right by that corner. First cabinet on the left." I say.

He nods and walks off in the direction of the bathroom. With the kit in hand, he then walks towards the fridge in the kitchen. I keep my eyes on him the entire time, clearly with suspicion.

Soon enough he comes back with the kit and an ice pack in hand.

He sits down on the opposite end of the couch, gently lifting my injured foot onto his lap. His touch sent waves of electricity through my foot but it was suddenly set aside as I felt a throbbing pain starting on the ankle.

He then takes the ice pack and lightly wraps the pack around my foot, I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. You might think this is a little too much for a sprain, but then again, you aren't the one experiencing it.

I could feel the pain subsiding as a pleasurable sensation starts on the area.

"Feels better?" Arsen asks, looking over at me.

"Yes, it does." I sigh, closing my eyes for a second or two and then opening them, only to be seeing Arsen still staring.

"How come I've never seen you around campus before?" He asks out of the blue, now looking down at the ice pack slightly changing it position.

"Probably because I'm in a completely different department. Ever heard of the library? I'm mostly found there. You've probably never even been there before."

"What makes you think that?" He questions, but then not even a second later he says, "You know what, leave it. You're right either way."

I smirk over at him. I know a library person when I see one.

Yeah yeah call me a nerd or whatever but I like reading books, okay?

"But you know what, I've heard an awful lot about you."

For some reason, my heart starts thumping over in my chest. I knew people talked about all sorts of things behind my back, and the one's I heard were most definitely not true. And in all honesty I had heard about him too, alot of times. But all I've heard was how much of a hottie he was (which he was) or how girls worshiped the ground he walked on.

"People talk about me behind my back. The things they say aren't true." I reply with a sigh, looking over at my fingers.

"Oh no, the one thing I've heard is probably the truest thing I've ever heard." He concedes.

My eyes snap over at his direction, "What have you heard?"

"Why would I want to tell you that, Simmer glimmer?" He chatters. I slightly cringe over the nickname he chose to use.

"Don't call me that. Ever." I try using my authoritative voice. He gives out a laugh in response.

"Oh come on. Its cute."

"It's not."

"It is..." He says in a singsong voice.

"Stop it." I groaned.

"I'm only going to stop because you have an injury, sweet girl. Don't get used to it." He winks. I throw a nearby cushion at his face, which (of course) he dodges and instead it lands on my foot causing me to hiss out in pain.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" He quickly puts away the cushion and takes off the ice pack, examining my foot. He then takes out the pain relief spray from the kit and sprays it over. After that he wraps around a bandage with feather light touch. A tingling sensation sets in on my foot and all I could wonder was why was it happening to me.

I look over at his beautiful features, from his furrowed brows as he concentrates on bandaging to the smooth curve of his chin. The way his hands worked so professionally as if he's done this so many times before. I didn't know why he was doing this but it definitely touched a soft spot within me.

When done, he got up and placed my foot on top of the arm rest of the couch. He straightened his back, with his arms over his head and all I could do was admire how the muscles in his arms flexed and the veins in them looked even more prominent than they already were.

"Take a picture sweet girl. It lasts longer." He winks and I look away, suddenly embarrassed being caught.

"Well, I suggest you check on this," he points over to my foot, "every hour or so and apply the ice pack to reduce the swelling. It should be better by tomorrow." He states and I hum along.

He walks back over to the front door and turns around one last time saying something that leaves me dazzled with confusion.

"They told me about an awfully gorgeous young woman. And I never thought I would've believed them. See you around, Simmer glimmer."


Holy guacamole thank god this chapter is doneee.

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InnerInspiration. x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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