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"Eye contact is way more intimate than words can ever be."

Chapter 02 

-Not edited-


Okay so maybe I wrong.

The day started off pretty crappy but I thought maybe, just maybe the rest of the day wouldn't be so bad. I was wrong ofcourse.

Nothing ever goes right in my life.

Take now for instance. I was done with all my classes so I went to the library to return some of the books I had issued earlier. When I returned from the library and made my way to the parking lot, my car wouldn't start.

Why? I had no idea.

I tried turning on the ignition but it just made this weird sound and shut off, so I tried opening up the hood and was greeted by smokey engine.

How Fancyy.

I was literally lost right now. My guess was that the engine overheated or something. It meant that I couldn't drive it right now. Since it could blow up or something and I don't want to die yet.

I ran my hands through my hair, trying to figure out what to now. I could call my dad, but then again that wouldn't be such a good idea. He'd have to drive all the way to my Uni, then drop me off at home before going back to work. So that couldn't be an option. Secondly, I couldn't even take a bus right now since the next bus came about two hours from now and I couldn't wait that long. Walking? Nope, my ankle still hurt. I didn't even have anything applied to it yet and I knew that it was getting worse by the second.

There were a few people in the garage right now engaged in their own conversations. It was almost five so most of the students were gone. I spent a lot of time in the library which is why I was a little late. The persons were in quite far off distances at the moment. A guy with a Mohawk passed by and looked at me and my frustrated self. For a moment I thought he would come up and ask me for any help but what he did?

He walked by.

Yes, he effin walked by not sparing me another glance. How kind of him. Note sarcasm.

I picked out my phone from the pocket of my jeans to try to contact a mechanic or someone who could help me get out of this situation, but then again, I knew that would also take a shit load of time. I let out a frustrated groan. I could call my best friend- Sydney, for a ride but then again, for all I know she might still be in her foundation course.

So this was my current situation.


I felt a deep masculine voice by my side. My eyes flickered towards the source and there he stood in his six-footed glory.


"Looks like you're in some type of situation." He sends a smirk my way and due to the state I was stuck in, I threw in a frustrated look towards his way.

"Yeah I'm really good in making the worst out of a bad situation." I say flatly, looking back towards the smoking engine.

"Need some help?" He offers with a slight shoulder shrug.

His questions knocks me off guard for a minute but I don't let it show and agree with a slight nod.

He walks over towards the opened hood and takes a look. He kept moving and touching the little metallic stuff in there but I didn't pay much attention to that.

What I did pay attention to was how well fitted his T-shirt was. And how those perfectly built biceps-

"The engine overheated." He finally declared.

"Well no shit sherlock." I mumble and my eyes widen at the newly found courage. I didn't feel as nervous as before which could also serve as an explanation. 

I saw him snickering at the comment and I could swear I saw him mumble something like 'cute' while he was at it.

"Well if my guess is correct, I think it might be because of the coolant leak. Don't worry, its fixable. But I'm not going to let you drive this car now. I'll have a mechanic be here first thing in the morning to get it fixed if that's okay with you?" He asked and my heart swelled at the caring gesture.

"Yeah well that's fine, I could get it done myself you know. You don't need to-"

"No Iris, let me do the favor. And have you called someone to come get you?" He chided.

The fact that he called me by my name made my insides go in a bit of a frenzy. Honestly it was kind of scary the effect the guy was having on me by just saying my name.

"Um, no. I was going right into that." I unlock the screen of my phone and it gets suddenly snatched out of my hand.

"Hey! Give it back." I try side-stepping Arsen to get back my phone but he holds it above his head which I obviously can't reach.

My life as a Shorty.

I sigh in defeat and fold my arms across my chest. His eyes flicker over me and I didn't miss the mischievous glint in them that kinda did creep me out.

He typed away something in my phone before shutting it off and giving it back to me. All the while I didn't try taking it back from him before because even if I did I knew I wouldn't have succeeded anyway.

"Follow me." He commanded walking towards the opposite side.


"I'll drop you off at your home." He exults with a wink.

The indication that he was willing to give me a lift made me want to float. I knew it was him trying to act all kind to me but somewhere in the back of my brain, I knew he was trouble.

I knew I needed to stay away from him to not fall in the void I was in before, but I couldn't do anything about it.

I never could.


Hello people. :)

This is a veryy short chapter, I know. I seriously need to learn time management.

Anyways, next chapter will be the continuation of this one. Keep reading for moreee!

IslaFlair x

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