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I woke up to see Oliver standing by the toaster waiting for something, i'm guessing toast. When i got up i hit my leg against the coffee table "Dammit" i said out loud, rubbing my leg , and walking to the kitchen. I heard chuckling when i walked into the kitchen, dragging my leg on the floor. 

"What's so funny" i said almost in an angry tone.

"Nothing , it's just that coffee table is a bitch sometimes, you alright?" 

"Yeah i'm fine. What are you making?"

"Oh was just making some breakfast" he says gesturing his head towards the toaster.

"Well i need to go to school but thank you for letting me stay the night"

"Yeah no problem, want me to drop you off or pick you up?"

I smiled at him "haha no i'll be fine"

I asked to use his bathroom afterwards which i must say was pretty nice. When i looked into the mirror i saw what i was wearing then rushed out of the bathroom and asked him if i could borrow a few clothes for the day. He gave me a shirt that had a cat and mouse from The Simpsons which i found cute and a little bit funny for some reason. He gave me a pair of ripped jeans, even though they were men and pretty baggy i didn't mind that much. I said goodbye and with that i was running to school not caring that i didn't have my backpack, i usually finish my homework at school anyways so i don't really have to worry about my backpack right now.

I opened to door and made it in time for homeroom. All eyes on me. Which is pretty unusual since i like a ghost most of the time, my teachers even sometimes forget to mark me here. As i walked to my seat i heard whispers "Who's clothes is she wearing?" one girl whispered. "She probably got it from some guy by 'sleeping over'" , "cheap skank" was the last comment i heard before i blocked everything out. They're just words, just words i say taking a deep breath in and out, keeping myself calm.

" Alright Everyone off to class" said Mr.Fish says as he was setting up for the class coming in. Now luckily this is my first block so i don't need to go anywhere so i took out my book 'House of leaves' by Stephen King which was actually a good book i mean who doesn't like his books 

(Not judging anyone who doesn't like his stories nor reads them)

"Miss Liz, class has started so please put your book away and pay attention" Mr.Fish says trying not to look annoyed and goes back to the board. The whole class laughs and i just hide my face behind my hair.

(Time skip to when class ends because ya know...I don't really know what subject he should teach)

I was close to the door until i felt a tap on my shoulder, i turned around to see who it was, Mr.Fish-- no shocker there he always checks up on me like a parent figure which is kind of weird since he is my teacher but then again he is still older than me. " Liz how are you?" he asks kind of concerned while he was staring at a bruise on my cheek that was put there a few days ago by you know who. 

"I'm good" i respond plainly, which was kind of a lie i still felt like shit.

" Well i tend to notice that you always tend to zone out in my class, do you find me boring?" he questions with a smile

I laugh which is the first real laugh i've experienced in a while " No it's just i uh don't get enough sleep and.....yeah" 

"Alright well you need to go to your next class, don't want you to become late" i nod and go off into the hall which was semi empty by this time.

(Okay i was going to write more but i'll save that for next chapter also Mr.Fish is Jordan, hope you enjoyed this chapter i know it was long.)

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