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Trigger warning

Liz's POV

"Don't touch me!" i screamed at the man who hid behind the shadows. Gripping onto my arm he growled "Feisty" he stepped out of the shadows with a wide smirk. I tried screaming but nothing came out. Nothing came out. He ripped open my shirt and started caressing me, "soft" he whispered, trying to run, but i can no longer move. Soon enough my breathing stopped and all i could feel was a hand shaking me.

" Liz wake up!" I looked up to Oliver giving me a worried look. Apparently i was screaming in my sleep, funny because i don't remember going to sleep.

"Nightmare?" he asked sitting down next to me on his bed.

"Yeah" i said kind of quietly, ashamed

"You don't have to tell me if you're not comftorable" he chuckled

i nodded. he started to leave the room and i felt an unsettling feeling along with a lonely feeling. "Don't go" responded in a weak tone. He turned around and crawled onto the bed, resting his back against the pillows. "Shh shh i'm here" i soon felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around me. I didn't realize i was crying until i felt cold drops of liquid run down my cheeks.

"There's more to my past that not many people know and it's that i raped when i was young by my teacher, Mr.Brant, he would always stare at me while grading papers but i didn't think much of it until the day it happened. He asked me to stay after just to "talk about a paper that needed fixing." Then when i stayed after i should've known that perverted creep wanted to molest me!" i clenched my fist and stared at the edge of the bed ignoring eye contact with Oliver. "it's all my fault" i whispered. "No it's not!" he pratically shouted. I shut my eyes, not wanting to let the tears fall "Did anyone do anything?!" I shook my head 'no'

"I'm sorry. No one should go through that especially not an angel like you. " He tucks back a strange of hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead for a while. I was about to say something until I heard sniffling, and with that he let go of me and left the room,closing the door.

~Next Day~
Oliver's POV
I couldn't sleep knowing what happened to Liz . I decided to watch Jurassic Park, it usually gets my mind off things and plus it's an amazing movie. Don't get me wrong I like Jurassic world as much as the next guy but I'd prefer watching a movie I'm more familiar with. Plus the classics are almost always the best.
"Oliver" i heard a soft voice say my name. Turning around I noticed Liz out of bed and a bit shaken. "Is everything alright, love?" I asked not taking my eyes off hers. She walks over and sits in the spot next to me. "I had another nightmare" she stares at the screen, dazed. "It's alright, nightmares are the fantasies that are meant to scare us" she nods and lays her head on a sofa pillow facing away from me. After a while there was silence from Liz so I assumed that she was asleep. I grabbed a blanket from the closest and laid it on her, she gripped onto my hand. "Oli, please stay here with me". I nod and carry her to my bed and lay her down. Might as well get comfortable
While taking off my shirt I felt eyes on me. "You like what you see? " she blushes. I chuckle and crawl into the bed. "Your tattoos are beautiful"
"Thank you. I don't think they're that great". It may be dark but Liz 's smile it's breath taking. "Go to sleep, love" I wrap my arms around her waist. I want to make her feel safe. After that last thought sleep took me in

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