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I walked over to Johnnie's house that day to ask him about what Kyle told me, for clarification.

What if Johnnie really did like me, I felt myself smile and become giddy. Johnnie was literally everything I've ever wanted for such a long time now.

Maybe I would start a youtube channel like he did, and do cute coupley videos with him. I mean he only had a couple hundred subscribers, but that was big for a high schooler.

I walked up the driveway to the door of the home where the Guilberts lived, knocking a happy beat on the wood.

Mrs. Guilbert answered the door, smiling when she saw me. It was pretty fake, I could tell. She wasnt really a fan of my black and blue hair, nonetheless of my snakebites. But she still backed away to allow me in.

"Hello Diego, Johnnie's upstairs. I'll bring up snacks." She said sweetly. I nodded and kicked off my shoes, running up the stairs to Johnnie's room.

The door was cracked shut so I lightly pushed it open and examined the room. Johnnie was laying stomach down on his bed, back facing me, reading an Alternative Press magazine with earbuds in.

I could scare him.

I walked quietly over to the edge of his bed, bent my knees and jumped. Landing in top of him, making Johnnie screech. And sending me into a fit of giggles.

"Whad'ya need Diego?" Johnnie said, laughing. I sat up straight and crossed my legs, being serious for once.

"Can we talk?"

He nodded and said an 'of course'

"I was talking to Kyle for dating advice," I started.

"Bad idea, really." Johnnie said quickly with a smile. I laughed and continued.

"Because, I think I like this boy, but im not gay. Like I've only ever been attracted to this one person. And I thought they liked Kyle, but he said the person likes me."

"Who's the person, Diego?" He asked.

My heart sped up so fucking fast.


He blinked a few times.

"Kyle said I liked you?"

I nodded.

"Why the fuck would Kyle say I like you?" Johnnie spat, the venom very clear to hear dripping from his toungue and lingering in the air.

He was mad. Really mad.

I felt like I had been punched in the face. A small wimper escaped my lips as I realized, Johnnie probably  fucking hated me now.

"What's so wrong with me?" I asked timidly

"You're fucking awful when it comes to relationships. You're a liar, you cheat and you're flat out  a deadbeat ass."

Okay. That hurt really really bad.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. Johnnie stepped forward. I half expected him to shout, half expected him to punch me. So I was beyond surprised when I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Im sorry." He said. "I didn't mean to yell. Kyle's right, I like you. I like you a lot. But I'm terrified of how it'd end."

I nodded. He was right, I sucked at relationships.

"Work on yourself. Fix yourself and prove to me that you are a better person. Then, yes. I'll give you a chance."

I dont know why I started crying, but I did. I broke down and cried, and Johnnie held me.

"I'm going to get better. For you Johnnie." I said, sniffling so much I dont think he heard me.

He only nodded. Nodded and let go. I wanted his arms around me again, he was warm.

"I brought you boys some snacks." Mama Guilbert said from outside the door. Johnnie opened it and accepted the plate graciously.

"Mini sandwiches?!" Johnnie said laughing, sitting next to me.

I took one and began eating it. My eyes kept wandering to Johnnie, and I didn'tnfight it. I liked looking at him. His brown tousled hair was everywhere. It made me laugh inside.

"I've got to go, thanks for talking with me." I smiled.

He stood up to hug me.

"I can't wait to see how you improve yourself. I'll even help." He said, muffled by my shirt.

I smiled, and nodded.

"Thank you, me too."

I was determined to be good for him.



Im really tired, and really sorry this chaoter is late. I kinda threw out the schedual and had a major FUCK IT moment. Oh well haha.

Anyways, heres your updateee. Chapters will be around 300-400 words. (SO THIS IS YOUR WARNING THAT THE PLOT WILL SEEM QUICK AND FORCED) oh well.

And I've decided to start that youtube channel lmaooo. So stay tuned in You Girl for the epilogue where all information will be posted.

Love you all

Someone So Damn Amazing | A Sequel to You GirlWhere stories live. Discover now