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Johnnie was something else. He saw something in me that I never saw there before. He was hesitant about being with me, yet still took the chance.

Since my mother kicked me out, things have gotten better. Johnnie and I figured our shit out and moved out of his mother's. In a week. In a week we managed to move out, get jobs and live better than before.

I was happier now more than ever. Johnnie pushed me to graduate, and the ceremony is tomorrow. I had full knowledge that my mother would attend, and that I intended on cutting her off. It's pretty shitty of a mother to kick out and disown her son for loving a boy.

"Hey love.?" Johnnie asked as he walked into the room to find me moping on the couch. I looked up to him to see the sadness in his eyes. I don't know why I burst into tears, but I did. And I felt way to vulnerable with Johnnie standing there watching.

"Yeah Johnnie?"

"What's on your mind?"

"Stuff." I said casually.

"Your mother?"

"Fuck her."

"Stop being a stubborn bitch and talk to me." He said,walking over to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and throwing his legs over my lap.

"She's going to be at the ceremony tomorrow."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger.

"She shouldn't."

I nodded.

"Will you be okay?"

I nodded.

"Are you done talking?"

I nodded again.

I heard Johnnie sigh as he left the room. All I've done recently is nod.

Just felt like throwing in a small chapter for you guys on my birthday(((:

Someone So Damn Amazing | A Sequel to You GirlHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin