2. the deal | short story

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This is a short story I wrote in May and I really like how it turned out and I hope you do too. It is also titled "The Deal."

"You aren't meant for this, Alyssa. You're too pure, too innocent, too nice. You can't do this."

    Alyssa glanced up at him and noticed the sadness in his violet eyes and the pain written on his pale face. She knew how he felt about her, how much he loved her but she couldn't back out now, it was something she had to do.

    "Kian..." Tears brim her eyes. "I have to. You know that."

    Kian's hand reached out and gripped her wrist, his hold was tight but he wasn't hurting her.

I deserve this. I did something evil and I deserve this, Alyssa thought.

    "Kian, you have to let me go."

    The ground opened below them, spreading like wildfire. A red-orange glow escaped the opening as the earth continued to be pried further apart. Once it had finally halted, a ten-foot horizontal gap lingered only inches away from them.

    Kian's hands moved to cup her face. After tonight, he'd never see Alyssa again. "Promise me you'll remember everything. Promise that you'll remember my undying love for you and the time we've spent together. Promise me that, Alyssa."

    Alyssa's tears began to intensify, streaming down her cheeks in thin clear lines. "I promise,"

    Kian's mouth lifted up into a smile though it was one that did not show teeth. It was a melancholic smile. "I love you," He said softly, bringing his mouth to hers in a sweet kiss. This was their final kiss after all.

    Once they had pulled away from one another, a loud boom sounded.

    "That's her," Alyssa announced. "I have to go, Kian."

    His grip on her arms never loosened. Her ivy eyes met his and she shook her head. "Kian, let go,"

    His eyes began to expel a thick black ichor as black veins formed on his face, stretching to his cheeks and all over his body.

    "Kian, what's happening?"

    He smiled; however, instead of normal teeth, they were jagged and ridiculously keen. His eyes were no longer violet, they had changed to a reddish orange like the glow that came from the crevice in the ground. Horns began growing on top of his head and curved as they came down over the crown of his head.

     She didn't know that he was this; a demon.

     "I can't let you go, Alyssa," His voice was fiendish and echoing. "If I did I'd just die." He then cackled and turned his attention to the perforation in the land. "She's on her way."

    Alyssa followed his gaze and noticed the faint silhouette of a woman coming out of the passage. She was holding a scythe and walking beside her was the shadow of an animal-like figure. She couldn't back out of the deal, she knew that making a deal with one of the most dangerous demons was not possible to be freed from.

    Especially since it was Lilith.


michellehayley ]

A/N: this is the edited version of this story. i will also be taking down part 2 to this because it is being moved to part 3 of the story and part 2 will be why she made the deal (so it'll be a prequel).

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