3. the inevitable | short story

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A/N: As always this was written by me and if you steal it I will report you for theft.

Hope you enjoy :)


They stood on the edge, watching as the waves crashed on the rocks below. The air was crisp and Ally pulled her coat closer to her small frame.

Ally's eyes locked on her friend Oliver as he stared intently at the jagged rocks underneath the cliff. "Oliver, why are we here?"

He turned to her, a glare from the moonlight reflecting in his emerald eyes. A small smile formed on his lips. "What are you afraid of, Ally?"

She glanced over the cliff, saw the rocks and couldn't help but imagine herself falling and being stabbed in the back from their sharp points. "Death."

A gust of wind arrived and blew her hair around, tangling it in knots. Oliver stood there, letting the air envelop him. "Death is inevitable," his voice was dark and sent shivers up her spine, "everyone is afraid of what's to come."

Although that may have been the truth, Ally felt that she was more worried about death than others. Silence filled the void and she listened to the howling of the wind. The calm before the storm.

"What are you afraid of?" She questioned him after a long silence.

"Falling," He answered and took a step back from the ledge. "Every night I have nightmares where I'm falling off a cliff to my death, my back hits the sharp rocks below before I jolt awake."

"We're all afraid of something, Ollie, we just need to keep ourselves from falling victim to our fears." Ally moved forward to place a hand on Oliver's broad shoulder. "I'll be here. Whatever you need, whenever you need it."

She wrapped her arms around his torso from behind and tried to lay her head in the crook of his neck, but since she was a few inches shorter than him it was difficult.

"Maybe the inevitable will come sooner than we think." His voice had become eerie and chills shot through her body, turning her blood to ice.

"What do you mean?" Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest.

In the blink of an eye, Oliver had moved and then, she fell down and down; until the jagged rocks below pierced through her back and exited from her chest.

Then, she woke up.

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