19. forged from flame | short story

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The building was packed, a line of people from the entrance all the way down the street waiting to get in. Adults of all ages and some who weren't, carrying fake I.Ds in their pockets. The bouncer stood at the front, checking out identifications and allowing those of the appropriate age to enter.

And of course, there was Adrienne Lewis. She was twenty-five and practically owned the place. Her dark hair was pulled into a ponytail, freckles dotted her cheeks. Her skin was the color of sweet caramel, eyes like two pools of delicious milk chocolate. When she smiled, it was like her teeth shined, the glow so mesmerizing that it drew every man (and woman) into her.

"Well, if it isn't Adrienne Lewis," The bouncer, Rick Weston, grinned.

Adrienne grinned back. "Hey, Ricky," She moved to pull the I.D. from her purse, but Rick put a hand up to stop her.

"No need, Adrie," He said then unhooked the red velvet rope that led into the club.

"How sweet of you, Ricky," Adrienne smiled, revealing those pearly whites.

Adrienne said a quick "see you later" to Rick then entered Club Vortex.

As soon as the dark-haired beauty set food inside, she was immediately overcome with excitement. Club Vortex was her absolute favorite place, where she frequented most nights. She'd made so many new friends, including the bartender Ramsey Childers. Ramsey was a friendly guy, all in all.

Of course, he flirted with her and she didn't at all mind the attention, he was an attractive man, but she wasn't in the market to date or go home with someone. Adrienne made her way towards the bar, felt the vibration of the music in her ribcage, the neon red, blue, and green strobe lights illuminating her path. The disc jockey was currently playing "Soul 4 Sale" by Simon Curtis. Adrienne felt her body longing to dance, desperate to work off some steam. She wanted a drink first, scotch on the rocks to be exact. That was her go-to, the usual.

Once Ramsey spotted her a grin so large it covered his whole face appeared.

"Hey, Rams," Adrienne smiled and leaned against the counter.

"Didn't I just see you this morning, Adrie?" He asked while cleaning a glass, a massive smirk on his lips.

"You know me, I live to party," She smiled back.

"So, the usual then?"

She nodded, "You know me so well."

"I should, you're in here every night except the time you passed out behind the bar," Ramsey laughed, the dimples on his cheeks poked out like a sore thumb.

"Too much scotch," She replied.

While he prepared her drink, she took the time to look at him. Not like she usually did, no, but really look at him.

The way the muscles flexed in his arms when he grabbed her glass. His green eyes and the way they crinkled when he laughed. Shoulder length midnight hair that curled at the ends paired with pasty skin. Of course, she couldn't forget that crescent moon tattoo on the inside of his wrist. She'd asked why he had it and he replied with, "Just feel connected to it, I guess." She understood that wholeheartedly, the moon was a beautiful mystery after all.

Adrienne's scotch on the rocks was placed in front of her and she greedily picked it up. Felt the burn in her throat when she swallowed the bourbon. She said a quick "see you later" to Ramsey and took off to the dance floor, drink still in hand.

As soon as she set foot on the floor, she let loose, all her stresses and worries faded to the back of her mind. Droplets fell from her glass and splashed onto the lit neon tiles, but she paid it no mind, too busy not worrying.

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