Chapter 1

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Author's Note- First of all I would like to give credit where credit is due. I give the band Panic! at the disco credit for inspiring me to make this story with their song Girls/Girls/Boys. I may use some of their lyrics in this book so people don't spazz out in the comments if I do. Thank you for reading! ~ Love the Author

Chapter 1

I'm just a villan fighting for attention from a girl. A girl who can't decide.

But I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself. You don't know the whole story. Well I guess I have to go back to the beginning.

I was born on Valentines day...I guess I don't have to go that far back.

Let's try this again.

It was just your average summer day. I was walking around in a field in a park. I was looking for a frizzbe my friend Alex had thrown at me. I was searching around in the tall grass for it when I ran into a group of girls. I was bent over and ran right into a girls stomach. I stood up properly and tried to act smooth when I locked eyes with her. (The girl who can't decide) My jaw dropped. It litterally dropped when I saw her. She was beautiful and any chance I had of being smooth was gone. She had almost black hair and brown eyes. She looked at me and giggled. Her giggle was so adorable. I smiled awkwardly and scatched the back of my head. "Uh....Hi" I said shyly and looked right into her eyes. Her friends just gawked at me. They seemed stunned and weirded out by me. So I just ignored them. The beautiful girl smiled and waved slowly. Someone tapped my shoulder from behind. I could see Alex out of the corner of my eye. I pushed him away gently. "Uh...Colden I found the frizzbe and we're leaving" He said causually and he didn't seem to notice the girls in front of me. I turned to him and sighed.

"Not right now, Alex" I whispered.

"Why?....What better things do you have to do?"

"There is a really hot girl right here, Dude.....Could you just be my wing man for a second" I said quietly but seriously.

"Nah...I'm hungry"

"Did you not hear the hot part?"

"Yeah I heard you but I want lunch"

"Can you think about my well being instead of your stomach!"

"Not really"


I turned to look over at the girls but they were all gone. They had left while me and Alex were arguing. I sighed and followed Alex to his car. "I hate you...." I mumbled to Alex. He looked back at me and rolled his eyes. "You didn't have and don't have a chance with that girl" He said smugly and we walked into the parking lot. I groaned and opened the car door. I got in the backseat and sulked. All my friends in the car looked at me. "Why so glum?" asked my friend, Jeremy. "It doesn't matter" I repiled grumpily. "Are you sure?....Because you look like someone died" My other friend, Layton said. "Just leave me alone" I mumbled quietly. They all shrugged and Alex started the car. I moped all the way to my house. Unfortunately we were hanging out at my place. I wasn't really in the mood.

Everyone got out of the car and I sluggishly followed my friends to my house. I fumbled around in my pocket for my house key. I grabbed it and pulled it out of my pocket slowly. Then a piece of paper fell out of my jeans. I looked down at the cement step and picked up the tiny folded up paper. I looked at it carefully and put it back in my pocket. I unlocked the door and walked inside the house. I went straight to the living room and sat on a couch. I sighed and sat back in my chair. My friends sat around me and looked at me curiously. "Are you going to tell us what's wrong?....or what?" Asked Layton.

"I told you that I didn't want to talk about it" I said sounding agrivated.

"Than what should we do?...Should we just watch you mope?" Said Alex.

"No you can watch the tv, Doofus" I grumbled angrily at him.

"Fine but could you at least try to be less grumpy?" Said Jeremy as he grabbed the remote.

"I am trying but you guys aren't helping by bringing up my crappy mood every five seconds" I snapped back.

Jeremy started flipping through channels but we couldn't agree on what to watch. That just made me more irritated. Layton got up and got us each a can of Dr.pepper. He handed us each one and I opened my right away. I took a big drink of it and set it on my armrest. Alex stood up and bumped into my chair which made my drink spill on my pants. I groaned and stood up. I rushed upstairs to put on different pants. I went into my room and looked I the mirror. A tan muscular brunette with blue eyes stared back at me. I sighed and brushed my fingers through my hair. I looked at my handsome face carefully.

I wasn't being cocky...I'm actually pretty hot. You can ask girls at my school. I could have no trouble finding a girlfriend if I weren't so picky. I have to find "the one" for me to date her. I guess that's weird for a guy. Normally it's girls who are picky and looking for her perfect man. I suppose I'm different in that way. I just don't want to waste myself on someone who isn't worth my time and affection. I think the girl I saw in the park was the one. I don't believe in love at first sight but if it is real I felt it when I saw her.

I strolled over to my dresser and looked for a pair of jeans. I found some nice black ones and took my wet sticky pants off. Then I put the jeans on and carried the Dr.pepper infested pants into the hall. I was about to put them in the laundry hamper when I saw the tiny piece of paper poking out of the pocket. I reached into the paper and grabbed the paper. It had a little Dr.Pepper on it but it wasn't too damaged. I started unfolding it carefully. Once it was fully unfolded I started to read the little note.

Avery's Number-


Is what was written on it. Was Avery the girl? Why did she leave me her number? When did she leave me her number? How did she get it in my pocket without me noticing? Did she like me too? What should I do?

Should I call her and ask her on a date?

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