Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Me and Alex drove around for a while before reaching a liquor store. Apperently he has done this before because he had a fake ID and everything. I hadn't ever had liquor before but I didn't really care. I was in the mood to do something bad and rebellious. Alex parked the car, smiled at me devilishly and got out of the car with the ID in his hand. I waited in the car while Alex went in the store.

Alex came out a few minutes holding several bottles. He carefully tossed them into the backseat off the car. He hoped in the front seat and started the vehicle. I looked back at the several bottles behind us and sighed. We drove off in the direction of Alex's house.

“Do you really think we are going to drink THAT much?”

“Yeah, of course"

“Isn't that over doing it a bit?”

“No, Why are you scared now, Colden?”

“No, I just really don't want to die"

“Whatever, Wimp.....Now pass me a bottle”

“You're driving”

“So...Your point is?”

“Once again as miserable as my life is right now I don't want to die”


“But I will help myself to some”

“Thanks so much for rubbing it in my face”

“Is that sarcasm I sense?”

“Yes, Idiot”

I grab a bottle from the back and carefully open it. I sniff it slowly and get a good whiff. It smells really strong and it doesn't smell very good. “What the hell is this?" I ask and hold the bottle away from me. “Use your eyes and read the label!” He says rudely and pushes the bottle towards me. I look at the label. “Oh it's Brandy” I say quietly. “Yup...Good job using your ability to read" He says loudly. “Just shut up" I mumble and stare at the bottle. “Are you going to drink that or just look at it?...because If you aren't going to use it properly I will" He said rudely and looked at me.

“Calm down...I'm drinking just give me a second"

“Hurry up, wimp"

I took a big gulp. It tasted terrible and it stung my mouth. But I continued drinking, and drinking, and drinking. Alex just watched me and laughed he parked in some creepy looking parking lot but I didn't care. We drank together. Until I passed out.

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