Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I paced back and forth trying to decide what to do. I gripped my cellphone tightly and tried to decide wether or not to call. I pulled at my hair in frustration and put my hands in my face. “Urgh!" I groaned loudly. I sat down on my bed and sighed. I heard someone walk upstairs and down the hall towards my room. Layton opened the door and stepped into my bedroom. “Are you okay?" He asked shyly and stepped closer to me. “Yeah...I just don't know what to do" I replied softly.

“What are you trying to decide?"

“Uh....I don't really want to talk about it"

“Oh c'mon you can tell me anything!"

“I know bu-u"

“No buts...You have to tell me...Maybe I could help" He said cutting me off.

“Fine...While I was looking for the frizzbe after you and Jeremy went to get a drink...I ran into some girls and I really like one of them...Alex interupted me when I was talking to her and we started arguing...Well we were arguing she must have put this note with her number on it in my pocket...When I turned around she was gone...I guess I'm just kinda bummed about only seeing her for a second...I think she is the girl I'm looking for..."

“Wow your such a hopeless romantic"

“Its not my fault....I was born on Valentines day!.....What do you expect?“

He came over to my bed and sat next to me. He fluffed his soft blonde hair. He looked at me seriously and cocked one eyebrow.

“Haha...But in a seriousness any girl could have put that in your pocket....One of those other girls could have....It wasn't the one you were eyeing necessarily"

“Thanks for crushing my dreams, Layton....I could just try calling her and see if it is the one"

“No, don't you might set yourself up with a girl you don't want to be with"

“But what if it is the right one?"

“Maybe...I just don't want you calling any girls"


“Because...I don't want you getting together with any girls"

“Once again...Why?”

“I w-want to be your girl....W-well guy!"

He leaned in close and kissed me softly. My eyes widened and I looked into his deep hazel eyes. I gently pushed him away. “Hold up!.....Wait what?" I asked feeling dumbfounded. “Well, Colden I love you...I've had a crush on you for a while now" He said sweetly. I hadn't really thought about being with a guy before. It was an interesting thought. People have thought that I'm gay before because I care about the way I look and I've never had a girlfriend even through I'm really attractive.

I had kind of zoned out but Layton snapped me out of it.

“So what do you say?"


“Believe me, Colden I'll treat you right"

“I mean, Layton you need to give me some time to think about this"

“What is there to think about?"

“I haven't seen you as a love intrest before...I have to decide how I feel"

“Your attracted to me or not....It's as simple as that"

“If you can't respect my need to process you don't deserve me”

“Fine I'll let you think..."

“Thank you..."

He kissed my hand and stood up. He smiled at me and walked out of my room. I was puzzled and unsure. How did he keep his feelings for me a secret for so long? I wasn't sure how I felt about him. No doubt he's very attractive. I have seen guys as attractive but I have never thought about dating one or even having a fullblown crush on a dude. I looked at the puny piece of paper in my hand. I knew I had to find out if it was my dream girl or not. The suspence was killing me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed the number. I gritted my teeth and barely took a breath while I heard it ring. I bit my lip and inhaled. All of a sudden the ringing stopped and a sweet voice answered. “Hello?" She said quietly. “Uh are you Avery?" I asked quietly.

“Yes and who are you?"

“I'm Colden...Colden Pryce"


“You don't know who am I do you?"

“No, Not really"

“Do you remember that guy that ran into you in the park?"

“Oh yeah I do!"

“Yeah I think you slipped your number into my pocket when I wasn't looking"

“Yeah I did...I could tell my friends didn't approve but I like you so I thought I would leave you my number"

“That's sweet...Would you like to go on a date with me?"

“Are you kidding?...I'd love to!"

“Where would you like to go?"

“How about dinner?"

“Sure how about Vinny's diner at 5:30?"



“Well that sounds great...See you tomorrow, Colden!"

“Okay bye, Avery"

I hung up and jumped off my bed. I was so excited! I danced around my room in excitement. “I'm going on my first date!" I yelled happily but then I paused. “Wait I've never been on a real date...What do I do?" I asked to myself.

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