Chapter one- The Dark End

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Wirt was standing right in the presence of what seemed like death himself, the beast. He would have never thought he would have been in this position. His brother Greg slowly becoming an adelwood tree. The only thing he could think was "it's all my fault, I'm the entire reason we're in this mess." Choking back tears completely forgetting the beast or Beatrice was there.
"There's no getting him back" he sobbed.
"There is one way" the beast interrupt
Wirt turned around at looked at the beast's  glowing full moon eyes. "What is it i'll do anything!" He said.
"Hm, well we better make a deal then."
The woodsman, who was on the ground since the beast struck him down tried to muster out something but was too weak to say it. Beatrice called out to Wirt "no don't do it!" But Wirt just said "I have to."
He stood in front of the dark figure. "What do I have to do." Wirt said. "I will put your brother's soul in this lantern and you will keep it aflame with the oil of-" the beast got cut off.
"I don't want to hurt anyone else! I am NOT cutting any adelwood!" Wirt yelled.
"Very well then, there is another way to produce oil." The beast said in a tone that made Wirt shiver.
"Wirt this doesn't sound right." Beatrice called uneasily.
"I'm saving my brother Beatrice, there's nothing you or the woodsman can do about it."
Beatrice out a worried sigh, to where it was a bit more than a sigh, it was more like a whimper. The beast continued, slightly annoyed. "I can change you, so you can produce your own oil for the lantern."
"Ch-change me?" Wirt stuttered.
"Don't be such a worry-wirt, unless you want you brother to perish"
That hit Wirt, he HATED being called that, everyone called him that back at home.
"I mean you life wasn't that great back at home wasn't it?" The beast persuaded.
That really struck Wirt, he remembered all the things that bothered him at home. His step dad, the tension of trying to talk to Sara, the constant embarrassment... Wirt decided without hesitation he shook the beasts hand. Suddenly he felt a sharp piercing pain in his chest. He fell to the ground. "WIRT!" Beatrice cried hopelessly as Wirt was in an indescribable pain. He clutched his chest letting out a pained cry.  Beatrice watched in horror as two branched antlers grew out of each side of his head. And his eyes became a foggy grey. While this was happening, Beatrice spotted the scissors on the ground. The scissors that would transform her and her family back into humans. She snatched it in her mouth and flew away, she went off to go get help. When all the pain was finally over, Wirt got off the ground as if nothing happened, when in reality he was in deep pain.  "Wh-" he said but then everything blacked out.

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