chapter 5- the blue bird and the elephant

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The beast spread his dark path throughout the forest taking several lives in the pursuit of oil.
While all of this was going on Beatrice had become human again behind the trees during the horrible scene. She got Greg untangled from the tree and brought him to her house.
"Mom!" Beatrice said as she knocked on the door.
"Beatrice!" She opened the door and gave her a hug. Then she noticed that she was carrying a small child.
"Oh dear what happened??" Her mother said in a worried tone.
She took Greg from Beatrice and they put him on the sofa making sure he was wrapped up and warm.
"Greg." Beatrice said shaking him up.
"Uhh I don't wanna get up." Greg groaned.
"Greg you gotta wake up." She shook him harder.
"Beatrice?" He said opening his eyes looking for the blue bird.
"Greg it's me." She smiled.
"Beatrice!" Greg got up and hugged her.
"Where's Wirt?"
"He's... He's..." she hesitated.
Greg instantly caught on. "He's gone? I thought I saved him... I made a wish. It was supposed to be me." Greg said trying not to cry.
"He, he's not dead. He's become the beast in some way. He has big antlers and glowing eyes. I. I don't know what he's capable of."
"No, Wirt's gotta be there he can't be the beast." Greg cried.
Beatrice looked into Greg's big brown eyes, it hurt her to see how upset he was.
"There's nothing we could do Greg he might hurt you. He did this for you. The best thing you could do is stay here until you recover and go home." She said sadly.
"I don't wanna leave without Wirt."
"There's no way he can leave the woods."
"WE COULD TRY." Greg yelled to Beatrice's surprise.
"Ill try and talk to him but you have to promise you'll stay here. I don't want you getting hurt." She said.
"Greg. Stay.
Greg reluctantly agreed to stay with Beatrice's family to recover. Beatrice grabbed her coat and set off into the wood searching for the corrupted boy who risked himself for his brother.

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