Chapter 2- Familiar Place

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He woke up soon afterwards, but everything was different. He was in bed. His bed from back home. He sat up to see that he was in his bedroom like nothing ever happened.
Wirt got out of bed feeling extremely weak, he could almost fell over. "Am I dreaming or was that whole experience..." Wirt asked himself confused at his own question.  He dragged himself downstairs feeling cold and lightheaded.  He went to see if there was any medicine in the cabinet when he heard a familiar voice, a voice he hadn't heard in years. "Wirt?" said the voice. The voice was the voice of a man, he sounded comforting and warm, safe and nostalgic. it was the kind of voice that gave you the feeling of home no matter where you were. It was the kind of voice that hugged you tight with every sentence. A wave of emotion rushed over Wirt. He knew exactly who it was, it was his dad, not his step dad his actual dad.
Wirt stumbled over to the room and he saw his dad, he was tall with messy brown hair and a pencil in his ear long nose, like Wirt's. He had a charming and kind look on his face. Wirt finally gathered up the courage to go into the room. "D-dad!" Wirt stuttered and ran to his dad to hug him but he ran right through him and fell over.
"What the-"
"Wirt are you alright?"
Wirt looked his dad in confusion. He reached to touch his father's hand but his hand went right through him.  "What is going on?" Wirt asked and then fainted. Wirt heard a voice echo in his mind. "Wirt." A deep dark voice that he recognized as the beast. "What the check is going on?!" Wirt was angry. "It just a part of the little deal we had." The beast cooed.
"What are you talking about?"
" you said you didn't want to chop any adelwood trees. So I'll do it. Easy as that."
Wirt wanted to scream. And maybe even cry.
"But there is a good side to this"
"What are you playing at.." Wirt said uneasily.
"Well you know actually being able to hug your father and even see your brother. All your problems will go away if you let me take full control."
"NEVER" Wirt stood up struggling to stand up.
"You will soon enough." The beast said. As the empty void became the living room once again. Wirt had to get out of here, he just didn't know how...

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