One Year On ...

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It was one year on from Ali's disappearance and the whole of Primwood searched for her for months but still no sign . Most of Primwood stopped having hope but me and the girls had a weird feeling but something seemed ... how do you say ... sinister . We thought that it could have been a ... murder or a kidnap . No one had seen any sign of her. Not even a bracelet she was wearing or the earrings she had ... she had left no clues what so ever. The girls lost hope in Alison and I began to ... until ... one day , when we were at a table in the Primwood Grille , we all heard bleeps . Bleeps coming from our phones . We all opened up the messages and began to read aloud . The meesage that each of us all
received were the exact same . Sent by an unknown source . What could this be ? The message stated :

"Your out of luck girls ... go to a party tonight . Out of town , at the same place Ali dissapeared . If you do not go , well ... let's just say that you are in for a little treat ... Go to the stairs when you heard the scream and find me . If you do not go or find me , well ... the little treat will become your worst nightmare...
-A .

What could this mean ?!
None of us knew who this was and we then looked round about us to see who was all on there phones but everyone around us were on there phones .
Who done this ? Who would scare the hell out of us ? Who is acting like they are going to hurt us ?

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