-A 's messages and videos

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So . Who could "-A" be ? Who is threatening us in ways that we can hardly understand. Who . Is .this . Maniac . We went to school that day and none of us really felt safe in any of our classes . We put our phones on silent so we could get texts through from -A without anyone knowing. All day long . Every class . At least 17 texts . The scariest one we all got stated :

" you better go to the party tonight or else ... time is running out girls and I know exactly what I'm going to punish you with . One thing I tell you to do and you don't do it ... aw poor you . This nightmare I mentioned will become a living hellhole . Times running out bitches .

Oh come on . Really . Now A is ordering us around like we are its puppets without strings or its servants . Now we are in major trouble. None of us told our parents because we didn't want them brought into this so we took matters into our own hands .
First . We done everything to keep our parents off of our phones . Then we figured out a way of texting each other in class and we didn't want A in our lives . We tried to act natural in front of everyone at school and in places like the grille . We received one last text before the party we had to go to . We told our moms that we had to go to a study session in Bellwood and that was only a mile or two out of town so our parents suspected nothing unusual and let us all go . As we pulled up at the house , we seen Ian ... Perri's ex boyfriend but he had that scary look on his face again . The one that made you think that you didn't want to be anywhere near that guy . That was the impression he made on everyone but oh well . We thought heads down and no eye contact with him or his friends... but I tried to avoid him as much as I could .
We all hoped to God that he didn't recognise us but he was my sisters ex so obviously he knew us . Soon as we seen him we received another text . The next message stated :

"Oh . I seen you have noticed Spencer's sisters Ex ... go . GO TALK TO HIM OR ELSE . If you don't talk to him . Something bad will happen to you all . Do you like surprises? Yes? Well ... I'm not sure you will after this one ...
What ? Really? Okay this is like a death threat now ...

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